Los abuelos

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Zapata's phone buzzes on the night stand, giving the room some light, she fumbles and answers.

"Hola Abuelo, are you okay?" Tasha asks groggily.

"Hola mija, did I wake you?" He asks with a thick accent.

"No." She lies, putting on her boyfriends dress shirt and some shorts before slipping into the other room. Careful not to wake his sleeping form.

"Sofia is sick and I can't make the family soup recipe, you can." Tasha smiles softly at the love her grandparents share.

"I'll come around 10am. It's only 5am Abuelo. Is there anything else?" Tasha asks sweetly.

"Are you okay mija?" Eduardo asks.

"Just a rough case. I had to go undercover." She tells him vaguely.

"As what?" He asks once her coughing fit has ended.

"A theif, on a prison bus. To catch a dirty cop."

"Why are you coughing. Did they choke you?" The perceptive man enquires.

"More like they set the place on fire while I was still in it again..." She then realises she will have said too much.

"What? Are you alright? Are you alone? Have you been checked out by a doctor? You said again! This happened before?"

"Abuelo! Stop!" She cuts in then slowly begins, "I am alright just minor smoke inhalation, The doctor checked me out and this is second time. Ed is here with me."


"My partner and best friend." He makes a hmm... noise on the other end of the line then says genuisly.

"Do you make a habbit of sleeping with your partners." Her eyes go wide as she splutters,

"What Abuelo?!"

"It's 5 in the morning, your partners with you and apparently you aren't badly injured. Am I right, you slept with him."

Red faced and quiet, "Ci."

"When can Sofia and I meet him."

"12th of Never. Adios. I'll be round later." She rushes; before hanging up; he adds.

"Bring him round with you Mija." Then the call cuts off.

She grumbles and heads back to bed stripping of the shirt and shorts. Fiercely wrapping herself into his arms that unknowingly grip her tighter as a warning not to leave him.

Hours later she feels the bed dip, still asleep Tasha nuzzles her head in the pillow.

Edgar sets coffee and a muffin down on her night stand after moving the phone and drops a kiss on her temple. His large hands rub circles on her bare back. She makes a soft noise before he whispers.

"Tash, you have to get up. Your Abuela called three times." Zapata stirs more before one eye cracks open and mumbles.

"Oye (hey)."

He directs her to move over slightly, next he sits against the headboard and she rests her head on his t-shirt clad chest.

"Your grandmother called a few times left as many messages." He repeats to her quietly.

"She has a cold and my abuelo wants me to make her the family soup. And to bring you round."

"You told your grandfather about me? Little Miss. Commitment Scaredy Cat." Reade smirks.

"He asked if I was alone after nearly being burned alive." Tasha gives a sleepy grin.

"Ok, you have no idea how worried I was about you." He whispers. She traces patterns on his t-shirt and nods against his chest.

"I'm just glad it was you they sent in. I'd be dead otherwise. I had to get the others out of that basement though."

"I know, you had a mission. You complete it or get killed trying. I love you for that." Edgar confirms.

"If you love me, come with me to see my grandparents. In jeans and a T-shirt not a three piece suit." She looks up at him with large brown eyes.

"Because your cute. Get some clothes on then."

"I'll take some with me incase we get a case. I'm wearing my pyjamas though."

"Wear the long blue and white ones, my shirt and your tiny shorts could send the wrong message."

"Good point."

"As much as I love you naked. If we want to be there soon we should get going in 10."


She then slinks out of bed and dresses into some wide legged, dark blue, satin pyjama pants and a lighter, long sleve top with lace rims. Adding some ballet flats and her coat. He slides into some worn blue jeans and the long sleved shirt he wore the first time they kissed.

"Let's go?" He asks once she grabs ingredients.


Thirty five minutes later they pull up at a grey bungalow with a path carved from rainbow flowers to the front door.

"Do you want me to come in or stay outside?" He asks from the passenger seat.

"Come in with me."

"Okay Tasha." The pair set off up the path her hand clutching his wrist in fear, "they can't be that bad T." He whispers the last part.

"She could kill me with a baking utensil." Zapata smirks before knocking on the door.

A tanned, older woman possibly 65-ish with grey and brown hair opens the door, clad in a red top with a spanish flower on it then some black trousers and light make up.

"Mija! Your home!" Sofia squeals and pulls her granddaughter into an awkward hug.

"Abuela. You should be sick." The agent says dryly.

"Oh hush." The woman drags the couple into the bungalow decorated like villa oranges and yellows.

"If your that sick. I'll call an ambulance before you croak." Tasha grumbles as she grabs a chocolate bar from the cupboard; offering Ed one.

"I woke up an hour ago. No your gross."

"I am not." She squeaks.

"You eat doritos for breakfast and cereal for dinner. Your gross."

"But I'm cute... Right? At least I have that going on for me." They banter- oblivious to watching eyes.

"Let Rich stare a little more, he'll tell you." The assistant director tells her sarcastically.

"He does not! Okay it is Rich. He's going to holding if he does it again." She growls.

"He escaped with a tie clip. He would find away out"

"And I got injected with a neurotoxin, fabulous day." She mocks before lifting herself onto the counter top. A hand goes to the back of her head, jerking her off the counter.

"Natasha, how did I mess you up so badly. You haven't even introduced your friend before sitting on the counter. Are you 14 again."

"No abuela." She says in a sorry tone, giving Ed a death glare.

"So this is your boyfriend. Introduce us." Sofia tells her.

"Abuela, this is Edgar Reade my boyfriend, best friend and boss." Natasha quips sarcastically getting a chuckle from the men in the room.

"How long jave you been the boss?" Eduardo questions.

"About 3 and a half years." He responds cooly.

Pointless but i got bored of having so many unposted drafts

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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