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July 2007

"here we go again."

felix laughed, slinging his arm around jisung's shoulder. order of the phoenix. the two had come to a midnight viewing, without jeongin, but with seungmin and hyunjin who were currently making out of the seats next to them. as nice as it was to see them finally get together at the sweet age of 15, for some reason jisung didn't find it appealing to hear them swapping saliva all the time.

so what did he do? what any reasonable person would do. throw popcorn at them (felix's popcorn, much to the boy's dismay).

"jisung! you'll get popcorn stuck in my hair!"

seungmin whined, sliding off of hyunjin's lap and into his own seat, as the taller boy giggled in embarrassment.

"and? you were going to miss the movie if you carried on like that."

felix sassed from the other side of jisung, the latter nodding smugly. seungmin tutted as he crossed his arms and turned his attention to the screen - apparently just in time because as he did so the lights dimmed down.

hushed chatter and murmurs of excitement rippled through the almost empty cinema, and the four boys stared up at the screen with awe. jisung knew the next time he did this, he'd  have a much higher chance of meeting his soulmate, and so did the others. as much as jisung was going to murder the mysterious person, they were all excited for the boy to meet his supposed "forever lover". their excitement never wavered.


of course, until the movie ended. and the four boys trudged out of the cinema with heavy hearts and tears in their eyes. hands gripping onto each other, trying not to show their evident heartbreak from a fantasy movie.

but it was weird, they felt empty knowing so many characters wouldn't be back within the magic next time. so they slowly trudged home, ready to get a maximum of 5 hours sleep before school the next day.

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