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September 2086

"and then, he poured a whole cup of soda over my head!"

a smile graced minho's lips as he retold the story of how he met his soulmate to the giggling man sitting across from him. it was the same every day. every time he came to read his stories to the man.

"that part makes me laugh everytime. thank you, minho. its nice to know someone cares enough to come and see me after all these years, even if it is only a stranger."

minho's smile began to falter at the words he heard, but he fought to keep it on his face anyway.

"its no bother. i wouldn't let you be left here all alone."

he watched as the other man stood up and began pottering around the room, bringing together an assortment of biscuits to go with his coffee.

"will you be staying for another one, minho?"

as much as he would've loved to, the older man had to decline.

"i'd love to, but i have to get back home. maybe next time."

he knew his answer would disappoint, but the other man understood.

"of course, of course."

minho began to collect his things; pulling on his coat and grabbing his door key's and notebook full of stories.

as he was about to step foot out the door, the man spoke up again.

"minho- you never told me what happened to your soulmate. is he still around?"

the tiniest smile plastered on minho's lips at that. oh, how he wished he could explain. but it would be too much for the poor elderly man with alzheimer's to comprehend.

"ah, now thats a story for another time."

"alright. goodbye minho!"

the cheerful patient waved, a squirrel like smile appearing on his face, causing a slight pain in minho's heart.

"i'll see you tomorrow, jisung."


the end

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