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August 2002

to say felix was concerned when jisung starts crying 20 minutes into the first harry potter movie, would be an understatement. its abnormal to see someone that bubbly cry at the best of times, but something about the sobs tunbling from his day-older best friend's lips puts him on edge.

"jisungie? what's wrong? did something happen?"

he asks, his voice laced with deep concern. he quickly shuts up when his friend's cries increase, and he prays his mum can't hear from the garden. its only when jisung manages to get out a few words, felix begins to understand.

"m-my soulmate mark, lixie... you know what it says."

of course, how could he forget? jisung, at 10 years old, has spent most of his life worried about someone called dumbledore. jisung's soulmate tattoo, gracing his lower arm in the most beautiful calligraphy reads 'man, i can't believe dumbledore died'. the pair spent most of their free time searching for this man, hoping to prevent his death.

it must be heartbreaking for jisung to find out that the mysterious man turned out to be a fictional wizard in what he was planning to make his favourite movie series.

"oh no, sungie- its okay! at least its not a real person!"

felix tries to reason, but now for some reason jisung seems mad.

"the stupid butthead who's my poopy soulmate ruined the whole series for me! and for you, lixie! aren't you angry?"

that causes felix to let slip a little giggle, before shoving a bowl of popcorn into his best friend's hands.

"of course i am. but lets try and enjoy the film's anyway, hmm? its not long til school starts again now. lets just have fun while we can."

jisung sighs and knows he can't argue. felix was right after all. they were about to go into year 6, their last year of primary school. they should enjoy the end of summer.

with that, felix grabbed the remote and pressed play, whispering promises of ice cream during the second movie, and a trip to the cinema for the third one.

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