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July 2009

stupid. thats what jisung felt he was. utterly stupid. he just poured soda over his soulmate's head. in the middle of a cinema. he couldn't process the information, nor bring himself to answer his 4 friends asking him if he was okay.

he was far from okay. he was a mess.


minho, on the other hand, was in shock. after a few moments, he darted off, praying that the other boy hadn't gone too far. he wasn't letting that be the end of their meeting. he left his friends in the screen room, running out and hoping for even a glance to help him find the cute, squirrel-faced boy.

and thats exactly what he found, in the form of 4 boys huddled around another on the floor just outside the cinema. he slowly approached, not wanting to scare his soulmate away again, and cleared his throat once within a few feet from the group.

the tallest of the group looked up, his eyes widening and nudged the others, who all looked at the scared squirrel-faced boy currently sitting on the floor.

"will you be okay if we-?"

one of the boys seemed anxious to leave their friend, which minho completely understood. he would probably be the same. but then the boy spoke up.

"i'll be okay, lix. i'll be fine."

minho's lips slightly curved up into a smile as the 4 boys all moved away, glacing at minho like he was a foreign object of some sort. and as soon as they walked away, minho slid onto the floor to sit next to the crying boy.

"hi, i'm lee minho. i guess we're soulmates, huh?"

he said, holding his hand out for the other to shake.

"yeah, i guess we are. han jisung."

the sniffling boy lightly smiled, shaking the older boy's hand, before continuing his sentence.

"thanks for, uh, ruining my childhood."

minho would've questioned what the boy meant, but he'd figured it out by now. and god, he felt bad.

"yeah, sorry about that.."

he sighed, but the guilt was soon replaced with a feeling he'd never felt before when jisung giggled to himself. it sparked off a flame in minho's chest that he surely thought should hurt but in fact was rather comforting.

in that moment he swore to himself that nothing would ever happen to jisung, because he wouldn't allow it to. even the grim reaper would have to ask his permission before even laying eyes on jisung. he wouldn't let anything take away the sparkles in the younger boy's eyes, or the chubby cheeked smile on his face. minho knew that this was fated, but he didn't care that he wasn't ever going to get a choice in this. his body wants him to protect and cherish jisung? then you can bet your ass he was going to do it. for the rest of his damn life.

so, he pushed aside all reasons as to why it wouldn't work in his favour, and he went for it.

"jisung, lets go on a date. right now. and i'll take you home after."

his words surprised the boy, but nonetheless the younger nodded.

"okay. my ride just left anyway, so i don't see why not."

and so then the pair stood up, and simulatiously went to link hands. they let out small laughs between themselves and headed to minho's car, discussing all the things they planned to do on that night.


of course, thats great for them. but it wasn't good for minho's 3 friends who stood in the cinema entrance, dumbfounded. changbin seemed the most betrayed though, as he stood with shoulders slumped and jaw dropped.

"our wallets are in his car. how are we getting home now?"

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