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July 2019

"so you're telling me; this bitch is really out here doing whatever she can to make it seem like she's actually lgbt inclusive in her writing? oh boy, i'm gonna fight."

jisung snorted into his coffee, earning a few odd stares from other people in the cafe.

"shut up, felix. we're nearly 28 and you still act 15 years old."

"i can't help it! i haven't had to grow up yet. i'm still just a guy, in love with his boyfriend, working in mcdonald's."

"....lix you literally own your own store, dumbass."

it had been a while since jisung and felix had made time to hang out together. after college, they tried their hardest not to drift apart but sadly adulthood had other plans.

they still wholeheartedly are best friends, just best friends who aren't surgically attached anymore. so the coffee date meant a lot to them both.

"speaking of, i should go. my lunch break finishes in 5. call me later?"

felix smiled, hastily packing up his belongings and granting jisung with a hug and cheek kiss.

"of course! i need to get home now anyway, and save minho."

a smile graced the man's face, his eyes subconsiously wandering down to admire the engagement ring on his 4th finger. he quickly snapped out of it however, hearing felix laugh.

"alright, i'll see you later, sungie."

he grinned before running out the cafe and leaving jisung to gather his things in his own time.


unlocking the front door, jisung was thrilled to hear to hear feet stomping down the stairs, and his fiancè to come into view.

"hey, squirrel baby. did you have fun with felix?"

minho smiled, pulling jisung into a hug as soon as he had closed the front door.

"i did. he says hi, by the way, and that he'll come over with changbin soon."

jisung's pecked his lover's cheek and went to pull away from the hug, only to yelp as he got swept off his feet and carried to the living room.

"movie night tonight, okay? i'm ordering in food. just you, me and harry potter."

jisung let out a groan of fake annoyance at the mention of the movie's minho insisted on watching at this time every year.

"but, min, can't we find something new?"

he teased, smiling as minho nuzzled his head against jisung's chest.

"nope. maybe next year, baby."


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