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July 2009

"come on, jisung! tell us everything!"

it had been 2 days. 2 days since the group saw half blood prince. 2 days since jisung met his soulmate. 2 days since their date.

and he hadn't spilt any detail to his friends, much to their disappointment.

"there's nothing to tell you. hyunjin, seungmin, shouldn't you be doing homework? felix, you sat outside my house waiting for me so you know enough."

a smile made its way onto jisung's face while he thought about his date with minho.

"and anyway, he's taking me out again after class so why not just wait for more details, huh?"

he teased, watching as the 3 boys lost their shit over his words.

"he is?!"
"jisungie, you're blushing!"
"ooo, sungie's gonna get some!"

jisung scoffed and looked across the canteen and out the window, where he could see minho sitting on the grass with his friends.

"be quiet. we're just going bowling, and then back to his place to watch thor."


however, jisung wasn't entirely correct. during the game of bowling, the pair were slowly increasing their skinship. maybe it was on purpose, maybe it wasn't. they'd never tell.

they let the tension grow and grow as they headed back to minho's place (an apartment he was sharing with woojin and chan, who were out on their weekly date night). throughout the entirety of thor, they kept it up. hands brushing, sneaking glances. the occasional wink sent across the couch.

during the second movie, it got even worse. they moved closer together, jisung's leg slung over minho's lap. the latter's head resting on jisung's shoulder, breath tickling his neck. hands intertwined in front of them. the whole time, still sharing loving glances. small whispers and giggles about the movie, about each other, about life.

but by the time the third movie hit, minho couldn't take it anymore. jisung was such a sweet, precious angel. he knew it was soon, but he loved the boy. he couldn't think of anyone more perfect to be his soulmate. all he wanted was to cherish the boy - protect him and hold him forever. but there was something about the younger boy that put a fire in his stomach. there was a part of minho that really had to hold back from wrecking jisung's innocence. and it wasn't holding back much longer.



minho breathed out, his nose nuzzling the younger boy's neck.

"yes, min?"

there it was. that soft voice, music to minho's ears. he couldn't hold back anymore. its like his soul was willung him to do this.

"jisung, can i kiss you?"

jisung's breath audibly hitched at that, and instantly minho felt he had overstepped the mark. but he never got to voice that worry, because as soon as he lifted his head - jisung's lips hit his.

and they felt like heaven.

instinctively, minho's hands went to jisung's waist, pulling the boy onto his lap. jisung let his fingers wander and lace themselves gently in minho's hair as their lips moulded perfectly.

it was both boys first kiss, and goddamn they were glad it was with their soulmate. it couldn't be better for either of them.


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