chapter 3

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-Angel pov:

I woke up at 6:50 am and got out of bed grabbed a towel out of the closet in the hallway and took it with me into the bathroom and took a nice warm shower.

As I got done and out of the shower. I wrapped the towel around my chest and walked out the bathroom and went into my room. I locked my door and started to change.

I really didn't know what to wear so I just threw on ripped blue jeans with a black adidas sweater with retro Jordan's 11 prem with my hair down.

Angel's outfit:

I walked downstairs and grabbed a water from the fridge

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I walked downstairs and grabbed a water from the fridge. As I closed the fridge door Ivan was right in front on me.

"So heard you got job" he said. I nodded my head. "You datin Carl?" He asked. "No why do you say that?" I asked. "They way y'all be looking at each other." He said. "And so what if we were a thing." I said with an attitude. He ignored me and walked away and went up to his room and yelled. "I'm not going to school today!" I didn't reply with anything to say back but slam the door and leave.


When I got to school I went towards my locker to grab my notebook for class. As a familiar face walks towards me.

"Hey!" He said and stopped by my locker looking at me up and down. "What's up!" I said. "What was that text about last night?" He said. I looked confused. "What do you mean?" I said. "About what you said don't forget that your not Dom.." he said. "Yeah what about it?" I said. "I know that you weren't Dom I just didn't get why you said that?" He said. "Because it seemed like you were falling for me! Than your girlfriend!" I said. "How!?" He said looking at me like I was crazy. "You kissed me!!" I said looking at him all crazy back trying not to laugh at his facial expression. "Yeah well who was the one who kissed me back and was into it?" He said and smirked. I bit my lip, I was fucked. The guy new he was right.

As Carl try's to say something but gets cut off by Dom coming towards him.

"Hey baby!" She says and kisses him. Those lips were on mine yesterday.. "You guys are cute!"
I said sarcastically. "Thanks!" She said and rolled her eyes. "Bitch.." I said under my breath. "What did you say?" She said getting all crazy. Carl looked at me, "I said that your a bitch!" I said angrily.

I was pissed that she had him and I didn't.

"Oh yeah? Want a go?" She says trying to get in front of me more. "Bitch I'm ready let's go" I said almost putting my hair into a ponytail. As Carl breaks us apart from each other.

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