chapter 4

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-Angel's pov:

I woke up in the morning to get dressed and go to school. I took a quick shower and as I was done I changed into some clothes. I grabbed my bag and stuff, I didn't do my makeup I wanted to do at work when I get there after school so I brought it with me. I went downstairs to head out the door as my dad stops me.

"Where are you going?" He says. "School..." I said nervously. "No your not! You staying home! Your going to that job of yours and working your ass off! To give me the money!" He yelled. "N- no!" I said. "What did you say?" He said. Okay maybe I shouldn't have said that. "Nothing..." I said. "Did you just tell me no?" He said coming closer towards my face. "I didn't say anything." I said. He slaps my cheek and punches my arm. He pushes my down to the grown and starts kicking my stomach. He kicked my stomach a couple more times. I started to cry, it hurt like hell. "Go to your room and change into your uniform!" He said. I got up from the floor and went to my room. My tears came out because of so much I got hurt from.

Went inside my room Ivan was in there. I already hated this day.

"Get out" I said to Ivan as I walked towards my closet. "No." He says. He closes the door and walks behind me and rubs my butt. "Ivan stop!" I said as I turned around and pushed him. He pulled me closer towards him, he pushed me onto my bed and pinned my wrist down. It hurt like hell. He lifts up my shirt and kisses my stomach. I start to cry as I watch him and see my stomach full of bruises. I hate my life. He gets on top of me and pulls of my pants. And underwear. He puts his member in me. I start to cry.


He walks out of my room. I didn't say a word. I put on my uniform. I go downstairs to leave as my dad says he's going to the bar. I didn't say anything back. Brought my makeup bag with me and my phone. As got into my car and drove off to work.


As I got to work I went inside and ran towards the bathroom. I cried and cried. As I heard my phone buzz. Carl texted me asking where I was. I texted him and told him I was at work my dad didn't want me going to school. I said and ended it with a period. I never end my shit with a period unless I'm sad or mad. He text me 'you good?' I texted him back I'll be fine. He didn't reply after that.

I sniffles and blew my nose from crying. I fixed and put on my makeup in the dirty bathroom.


-Carl's pov:

I texted Angel and asked where she was she said she was at work. I drove to where she works at and looked at the front to see if she was here inside. She wasn't I checked the bathrooms. And there she was, I creaked it open to watch her.

She's putting her makeup on in the dirty bathroom. She try's covering a bruise on the side of her eye. My poor babygirl. I opened the door more for her to see me. She saw me. She hugged me tight.

"It happened again."

I hugged her tight. As she cry's on my shoulder.

"I just dream of getting out of here. Not living with them. Not living this lifestyle." She says as she sobs.

"Hey baby.." I said. She looks at me. "Come home with me." I said. She nods her head as we head out. She goes in her car and I go in mine.


-Angels pov:

As I drove to the Gallagher's I hid my car so my dad wouldn't see and think that I was around. I walked inside the Gallagher's with Carl. I see Fiona as we walk in.

"Carl why aren't you at school!?" She yelled. "Why aren't you at work?" He asks. "I didn't want to go!" She said. "Okay I didn't want to go to school.. sooo" she rolls her eyes and then looks at me. "Are you okay Angel?" She says and looks concerned. I felt like throwing up. I ran towards there bathroom and started throwing up. As Carl and Fiona come running to the bathroom. Lifting my hair up and out of my face. I got done and washed my hands.

"Fiona can I stay here." I said. "Of course you can" She says. "No like can I live here..." I said. She looks at Carl then looks back at me. "Carl can you go to the store and get orange juice!" He shakes his head and leaves.

"What's going on?" She asks. "Nothing" i say. "I've known you since you were 8 what's going on?" She says. "I get beat by my dad.." she looks at me. I lift my shirt up and show her the bruises from him kicking me. She covers her mouth and her eyes get watery. "W-what else?" She says as her voice is cracking. "My brother ra-rapes me..." I said. Her tears go down. She wipes them. "Does your mom do anything about that?" She asks. I shake my head no. "Angel-" She says as I cut her off. "I'm sorry for asking I know you probably have a lot right now on your plate it's fine I can go home." I say as I get up. She grabs my hand. "No. Your staying." She says. I smile and cry, "thank you!" I say and hug her.

Someone opens the door it was Carl he came back with the orange juice.

"I got it!" He says as he puts it in the fridge. "So?" He says. "Soo... Angels now living here!" She says and smiles. He looks at me with a big smile and hugs me tight. I felt safe.


I found myself on the couch at the Gallagher's. What the hell I actually fell asleep. It was 3:25 pm. The time that i get out of work. I get up and see Lip, Ian, Debbie, Franny, Liam, Carl, and Fiona. They all look at me. "I have to be head back and grab my stuff." I said as they all shook their heads as Carl says. "Call me when your leaving" I smile and shook my head. As I leave the house and go to mine.


I opened the door and see my mom drunk smoking a cigarette. "Wheres Ivan?" I said. "He's out!" She said. "Oh." I said as I walk upstairs to pack my stuff.

I go to my bedroom and I pack everything in my bags. I carry both of them. I called Carl and told him I having everything and that I'm about to leave right now. I walk downstairs and see my dad here as I had my bags in my hand. While I was still on the phone with Carl.

"Where do you think your going?" He says all drunk with anger.


-Carl's pov:

As I was on the phone with Angel I put it on speaker so everyone in the house can hear. Debbie had 911 on speed dial if we heard something bad happening. As I heard Angel's dad.

"Where do you think your going?" He says. "I'm leaving!" She says. He laughs. "Who would take a slut like you in?" He said.

My eyebrows pushed up I was mad. I heard the door opening from the phone.

"Ivan!" Her dad says. "Look your little sister here wants to leave us!" He says as laughing. "Who would take her ugly ass in" they says laughing. "You guys are dicks! I'm happy that I'm moving out." She says as her phone drops I hear. I hear her bags fall down as something else falls down. I hear something getting kicked really hard. As I heard Angel's cry's from her dad kicking her.

"Debs call 911!" I said as leaving the house Lip and Ian come with. We run next door to Angel's house. I open the door and see her on the floor not getting up or moving. "Angel!" I yelled as Ivan and her dad look at me Lip and Ian. "Oh look her super hero's came!" They said laughing. I ran towards her as her dad came at me.


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