chapter 7

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-Carl's pov:

I woke up in the morning right next to Angel half naked she was in her bra but wearing nothing else for her bottom. As I was facing to her while she was still sleeping I looked at her. Damn she can still look fine while sleeping! As I kept picturing her I saw that she was still wearing the necklace, I smiled. As I heard her say something.

"Stop starring at me it's weird" she groans while her eyes still closed. I laugh and kiss her forehead, "good morning to you too" I said. She laughs and opens her eyes. "How you like last night?" I said, she bit her lip and sat up but had her black laced bra on and moved her hair she looks at me and bites her lip and laughs. "You really know what to do" she says smirking. "Yeah?" I said, she looks at me with lust in her eyes. "Yeah" she licks her lips. "Bet I can make you say daddy next time" I said, damn she really made me this wild for her! She laughs and kisses me as she try's getting off the bed as I pull her arm kissing her more as she broke it and started putting on her underwear.

"Can I use one of your shirts?" She asks. I nod my head yes. She puts on one of the shirts. Get up and put on my basketball shorts.  As I try opening the door to head downstairs with Angel, she pulls me and makes me sit down on the bed as she straddles me.

"Baby what you doin?" I said. "Why don't we just stay here?" She says as she touches my member as it gets hard. "Baby-!" As I was about to say as I heard Liam trying to open the door. She gets up and opens it. "Hey!" She says, he smiles and grabs something from the room and asks, "why are you wearing Carl's shirt?" He says. "Heyyy! Why don't we all downstairs for breakfast!!" She says and smiles and looks at me as we both go downstairs.

-Angel's pov:

As we all walked downstairs to eat breakfast we sat down at the table.

"So where did you sleep?" Debs says. I look at Carl then back at her, "she slept in my room" Carl says. "Doing?" Everyone says. "Nothing!" We both say looking at each other. "Mhm" they all say. We just ignored them and ate.

As everyone got done eating and went upstairs while I was doing the dishes and as I got done I sat at the kitchen table.

"So what did you and Carl do last night?" Says Lip. I look around to see if anyone's around but nobody just me and him. "He took me out to eat and yeah then I slept in his room I didn't want to wake Debs up" I said. "Mm" he says. I look at him then laugh as he looks at me. "What?" I said, "what did you guys do in the room?" He asks. "Nothing just sleep!"I said. "Well keep the sleeping down because I keep hearing the bed move and your moans!" He says. I got red, shit. "My bad" I said laughing, "I get it! It was your birthday!" He says as I start bursting out laughing.


As I got to school and I was about to walk in someone threw a rock at me.

"Ow what the fuck!" I said as I turned to the way the rock was thrown. As I saw a familiar face, "Carl what the hell are you doing!" I said. "Ditching school wanna come?" He said smirking I couldn't say no so... I shake my head yes and follow him. "So what do you wanna do?" He asks. "Wanna get high again?" I said laughing looking at him. "Bett!" He said as we ran to the corner store, "wait how are we gonna get the backwoods? We're not 18" I said. He looks around and sees a guy that looks older Carl asks him if he can buy 4 packs of them the guy nods his head as he goes into the store and gets them then goes by us and gives us them as Carl gives him money.

we went home.


-Carl's pov:

As me and Angel got home we went inside and in my room. We lit up the blunts and started to smoke them. Angel puts on music.

As she finishes the whole backwood and I do too I lit up another one as Angel's eyes were pink still turning into red. As I take a hit of the blunt Angel straddles on top of me. She kisses my neck and unbuckles my belt and pulls down my boxers and pulls out my member.

She puts her mouth in my member while I was still smoking the backwood. While she was doing her job I took another hit while she kept doing it damn she made it hard for me to breathe out the smoke.

As she's done doing that I finished my backwood as I  smashed her lips into mine.

 She started taking off her pants and underwear as she took of her shirt and so did I

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She started taking off her pants and underwear as she took of her shirt and so did I. She was in her red laced bra. I kissed all over her body as I made it to her face and smashed my lips into hers as I put my member in her.


As we got done someone opened the door from downstairs we got dressed and ran downstairs.

"Hey Fi!" Angel said. As she smiled and looks at Angel's hair than back at me. "Please don't tell me you guys fucked again" she says. I look at her all crazy "again?" I say. "Yeah i heard you guys doing it yesterday!" She says as Angel turns red. "As long as you guys aren't making a kid it's fine!" She said heading to the fridge to grab a beer.

It made me think back to what me and Angel just did ...

I didn't use a condom.


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