chapter 25

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-Angel's pov:

It's been a couple of days since the day that Carl proposed to me. I was still in shocked but in love with my ring as I was in love with him as well.

As I was sitting down in the kitchen just admiring the big rock diamond ring as I pictured the happiest moment that happened ever. As I kept looking at the ring I hear the door bell ringer as I pick up my glass of water and finish it and put it in the sink for me to clean later as I went to go open the door.

"Mami?" I heard a familiar voice say. "Grandma??" I said as I smiled and hugged her as my tears fallen down.

I haven't seen her since I was 7! I missed her so much. She would always take care of me until she had to move to California and I had to stay with my mom and dad.

"Mija! I heard what happened about how your dad and Ivan went to jail for rape and abuse! I'm so sorry if I knew this was going to happen-!" I cut her off.
"It's fine! You didn't know I'm just glad you came to visit!" I said as she smiled, "so what brings you by?" I said as she looked at me as if I was forgetting to let her come in as I was. "Oh please come in!" I said as she walked in.

"So what brings you by again?" I said as she looks at me and looks around the house. "I came to see how you were doing!" She said as I smiled and scratched my head as it was a mess in the living room as she glared at something while I was scratching my head. "Oh Dios mío!" She said as she grabbed my hand. "Mija since when!!! What else have I been missing!" She said.

I giggled and was about to tell her something until the door opened by Carl in his suit from work and the kids running in the house as they come and hug me.

"Mommy!" Damian and Katherine both say as my grandma looks at me and smiles with joy. "Damian, Katherine! I want you to meet you grandma!" I said as they both smiled and ran to her like they've known her before and gave her a big hug as Carl came to me and gave me a kiss.

"Who's this babe?" He says as I tell him, "that's my grandma she came to visit which I think she won't be leaving for a very long time!" I said as it suck if she did. I mean I love her and all but honestly I just don't want someone judging how live my life.

"And Who's this?" My grandma says. "This is Carl! My boyfrien- well soon to be husband .." I said as I looked at Carl and smiled and hold his hand.

She smirks and smiles.

"Well look at you living a happy life!" She said as I smiled.


As I helped my grandma into a room for her to stay in she said she wasn't leaving till me and Carl have a wedding. Which we still haven't plan yet but made me start wanting to plan it.

"Hey babe you wanna come with me to look at wedding dresses?" I said as he shook his head as we got ready and went inside the car.

As we got to the place where the dresses are I liked 4 of them. As I went inside the fitting room to change into the dress as I got done I went out of the dressing room as Carl was sitting right there.

"Wow.." he said as I chuckled. "Can you help my zip up the zipper?" I said as he shakes his head.

He zips up my dress from the back as he turns me around and puts both of his hands on my back and looks at me and smiles.

"I don't know what I would do with out you or the kids.." he said as I smiled. "I wouldn't know either!" I said as he chuckled. "Do we want the kids at the wedding?" He says as I thought about it. "Maybe like for the whole church thing and after I don't think so cause I wanna party!" I said as he smiles.

"I can't wait till you become a Gallagher..." he says as I smiled. "Baby I'm already one.." I said as he smirked.


As we got home I put the dress in our closet as I went to go check up on the kids as they were sleeping as prince was sleeping with Damian. I left the door cracked to their door and checked up in the next room to see if my grandma was sleeping as she was.

I went into my room as I laid down in my bed with shorts on and a black shirt. As my hair was up in a ponytail. Carl lays down next to me and smiles.

"I had a good day with you amour.." I said as he smirked. "I always have good days with you baby.." he said as I smiled and kissed him goodnight as I fell asleep.


Hey sorry I haven't updated it's just with school and all I don't get out till next week but stay tuned cause tmrw I'm making a another chapter probably! But sorry if I miss spelled anything but just hope you like it!🖤

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