chapter 11

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-Carl pov:

6:45 pm;
It was Julian's party today I didn't know what to wear so I just threw on something that I thought would look nice.

I walked down the hallway to use the bathroom as someone runs in there. I rolled my eyes cause I really needed to fucking pee.


As someone gets out of the bathroom finally after an hour it was Angel.

"Hey!" She said and smiled, "sorry I was dragging I was doing my makeup!" She said. I smiled and smirked and just admire her. She looked too damn fine.

"Ok you need to stop with that whole starring thing!" She says and kisses me and goes into Debs room. As I notice her stomach looking like a little bump? I don't know maybe I'm just tweakin.

I walked into the bathroom and did my business.


-Angel's pov:

I got out of the bathroom finish doing my makeup I put on my dress and did my hair.


As I got done I went into the bathroom and took a picture of my outfit and how I looked to be honest I looked like a bad bitch. I couldn't wait for this party and have a good time with my baby.

Angel's outfit;

As I got out of the bathroom and went downstairs Carl was downstairs watching tv with Liam

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As I got out of the bathroom and went downstairs Carl was downstairs watching tv with Liam. I smiled.


I walked downstairs to the living room and sat right next to Carl as he wrap his arm around me as we just waited on Debs.


"Debs hurry the fuck up!!!" Carl says banging on the room door as I laugh. She gets out, "I was making sure I had everything and wasn't forgetting anything for the babysitter for Franny!" She says. "It takes you  1 hour??" He says looking at her all crazy. I laugh as I walked downstairs to the door and wait for them while there walking down the stairs.

As we walked out the door Carl unlocks the car as a car pulls up.

"I'm going with my friends to the party is that ok?" She says as I smile and shake my head. "I'll see you guys there!" She says as she get in the car and the car drives off.

I get into Carl's car and buckle my seatbelt as he does the same and starts driving.


As we were a couple of minutes away Carl puts on some music and looks at me smirking and giving me a look.

"I can't believe your even mine!" He says. I blush. "Like I appreciate you so much like you don't even know and I love you so much like I just can't explain my feelings for you baby.." he says as I smile and blush. "I love you Carl Gallagher" I said.

I put my hand on his member while he was driving. He smirks as it comes to a red light and talk about what we want to do after the party.


As the light turns green and we were just a block away from the party Carl looks at me and smiles as I looked at him and glanced at his window and saw a car coming straight towards us.






To be continued..🖤

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