chapter 23

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-Carl's pov:

Today was the day I had to get Angel's ring.

Yes a ring. I'm thinking about marrying her.

I thought about it a lot and I think I'm ready to actually marry her. She's the love of my life. I put her first on everything except my kids of course. But she's so special to me and she's there for me. I know we have our on and offs but I always knew she was the one. Whenever I needed a place to stay she took me in. She was always their for me.

I kissed her forehead as I got up from the bed and took a quick shower.

As I wrapped the towel around my waist and was looking in my drawer for my underwear.


-Angel's pov:

I woke up to the sound of something moving as I opened my eyes to see what it was and saw Carl in a drawer looking for something as he had the towel wrapped around his waist. I took off my shorts and left my undershirt on as I got quietly off the bed.

"Mm I like what I see.." I say to Carl as he turns around. "How long have you been up!" He jumped. I wrapped my arms around his neck, "not to long.." I said as I looked down to were his member is. "Maybe we can.." I say as he interrupts me. "My dick still has a black eye from the other night" he said.

I looked at him and touched his member.

"Can I make it better for you then?" I say as I go down on my knees and take the towel off of his waist and started to do my job.

"Fuckk.." Carl said while breathing heavily.


-Carl's pov:

I got done getting ready as I went downstairs and the kids were down there playing with their toys as I grabbed my keys and had gotten stop by Angel.

"Where you going babe?" She says.

Fuck. I was already supposed to be there to pick up the ring.

"I was planning on going to the store to get some clothes for Damian!" I said, "Then aren't you going to take him with you?" She says as I shake my head yes. "Damian come on! Let's go get you some new shoes and stuff!" I said as Katherine came running to me.

"Can I go daddy?" She says as I smiled, "princess I wanted it to be me and Damian and boys day you can have a girls day with mommy?" I say as she smiles and shakes her head.

I reach into my pocket and grabbed some money and hand it to Angel.

"You guys should get your nails done while we're going to be at the store. So at least for you guys to do something than just being at home all day!" I said as Angel smiled. "I love you so much." She says as her hugs me and kisses me.

Me and Damian headed out to the door as I put him in the back seat for us to head off to the store to get Angel's ring.


-Angel's pov:

"Full set please, coffin!" I head said to the lady as she was doing my nails as the lady right next to her was doing Katherine's nails which she was right next to me.

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