Chapter 1 - Moving in with our Paladins

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So ever since the Lions began to show their ability to change between a earth-sized cat, and relatively large ones at that, and then between their normal mechanical selves... things have changed around the Castle. One such thing? The Lions moved in with their Paladin... however for Red, Black and Blue... it was a bit of a dilemma. 

Black was just fine moving in with both Shiro and Keith, despite not getting either's say on the matter, and moved between them. 

Blue was with Allura half the time in the beginning of the 'shifts' the three arranged...

And Red... she was constantly worried about BOTH Keith AND Lance. However, she eventually got Black to 'look after' Keith whenever she wanted to stay with Lance and Blue wasn't around to do so.  

As for what I mean by the Lions moving in... I mean that the Lions spend their nap-times in their Paladin's room. 

And when it came to sleeping? They slept in the bed with their Paladin. Not that uncomfortable unless Yellow or Blue decide to flop all over the place and/or kick you out of bed. Mostly, this occurs with Hunk and Lance... not ever once had Allura been 'kicked out' by Blue. That... and Pidge wasn't too happy with having constant grooming before she went to bed and got up in the morning. 

So I'll list out what seem to be the advantages and disadvantages of the Lions moving in with the Earthling Paladins... and the Princess.
(P.S. Hello Travellers! This is Coran Coran the GORGEOUS Man!)

1. This provided opportunities to better bond with a Paladin's Lion... or Lions.
2. It made recharging and repairing/healing a damaged lion MUCH easier since they could go inside the Pods.
3. The Lions can better protect their Paladin.
4. In the Lions' opinion, especially Red's, they can better keep an EYE on their Paladin.
5. Hunk always had someone who'd be willing to try his culinary masterpieces. 
6. They always had someone to talk to about personal things.
7. There was always someone around to help.
8. And then the Lions could also hang out with and play around with their Paladin and the rest of the Team... as well as each other.

1. Red's a 'mother hen', meaning Lance and/or Keith usually end up with a pair of eyes on them at all times. She's also over-protective and panics whenever one leaves the sight of her or the other Lions and Paladins, she occasionally enjoys grooming their hair whenever it's a little messy, and her temper can usually end up with someone being set on fire. She usually doesn't like Black doing 'her thing' unless she says so... by that, I mean to Keith.
2. Green's a bit, but not exactly TOO much, nosy, meaning she usually gets distracted by a nearby conversation, an interesting, moving object, or anything that peeks her interest. Sometimes she'll try to provoke someone to test their patience or see how someone reacts to something she does. 
3. Blue, Black and Yellow are naturally big enough that, usually by accident, they'll kick their Paladin out of bed when they're asleep. Red and Green are too small to do this.
4. Green, Blue and Yellow can be 'too affectionate' sometimes. However to Hunk, Yellow being so isn't a bother (but the others think she is), and to Lance and Pidge (surprisingly not Allura)... their Lions are easily too affectionate at times.
5. The Lions were more vulnerable in their earth-cat forms, meaning injury was easy. They could also get sick.
6. They have their own language that the Paladins, or anyone for that matter, cannot understand. Meaning the Lions easily, and always, have their own private conversations whenever they want. They can also make their speech decipherable/understandable to whoever they want to... meaning certain people at a time, and they choose when and who.

It's quite nice actually having the Lions around! They can also 'sway' or motive their Paladin, or any of them, to do something they don't want too... Green's mastered the art of 'kitten-eyes' or 'baby-doll' eyes, and they can help motive you as well.  

Aside from that... I might want to let the Lions explain how they feel about all this. This is going to be about THEM after all!!!


Black - SO we've decided to remain in our earth cat forms for the majority of our spare time. We ALSO decided to move OUT of our Hangars and move IN to our Paladin's room. 

Green - *giggle* You forgot Red's problem.

Black - Ahh shoot. Right. Red however, can't usually make up her mind which of her two she'd stay with. She loves and cares about both dearly. 

Yellow - I thought they were neighbours!

Black and Green - They are. 

Yellow - Oh.

Red - WELL EXCUSE YOU IF I CARE ABOUT THEM BOTH. Do you WANT me to break down a WALL if I ever WORRY about the OTHER?

Others - NO!

Red - Then SHUT UP about ME.


Black - Okay then. If no one else has anything to say-


Green and Red - YES! *high five/paw*

Black - Yeah... true. So now if I MAY say something?

(No One Speaks)

Black - Great! Umm... if it ever comes to how or why we look like and were named 'Lions'... and how we are able to transform into a miniature, fluffy, and friendly version of our selves... that's a little bit of a private subject for us. 

Yellow - Blue's awfully quiet... (To Blue) Are you okay? *prods Blue's stomach with paw* Hello?

(Blue Lion groans and rolls over, and remains asleep. Tail flicks Yellow away...)

Red - *yawns* She's fine. 

Green - WHAT TIME IS IT?! (flops on back and begins to sleep)

Black - They have the right idea.

(Everyone but Black decide to go to their Paladins... either floating there in their sleep or walking) 

Black - ...... Okay. Our Paladins are quite accepting of our decision to move in with them, or to mostly remain as a four-legged cat. The reason I moved in with my two... I wanted to tell one, eventually... the story of us Lions. Hasn't anyone wondered how we're so sentient? 

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