Chapter 4 - Sibling Bonding

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(Image created with CREATE-A-CAT Flash Game by Neikoish on DeviantArt)

Once everyone had recovered from the surprise of Misty Shard, the Black Lion herself stood up and walked over to the curious little cub. Red followed her, keeping a hard stare as Black approached Misty Shard. The tiny cub shrank a little away from the bigger Lioness, as everyone else watched the Black Lion with wide-eyes and fear. Black cocked her head to the side, as if inspecting the tiny cub. She seemed to have also inherited a trait from her mother, or copied it from Green or Pidge's habits... she pounced on Black's tail when it was straight in her face. 

'I think she copied it from me... my bad...' Green meowed, when Yellow gave her a worried look.

Black however, was amused and let the cub play with her tail. Everyone sighed in relief and relaxed when Black seemed to approve of the third cub. Misty Shard eventually managed to pounce on Black's back, and the bigger Lion showed her wings and took off a little... flying. 

'AWW COME ON!' Luna meowed, jealous. 

Misty Shard held on and laid low on Black's back the entire way, as the Lion flew over heads and affectionately swiped the other Lions. Misty peered over, it wasn't high but it was higher than she'd been before. (She never went higher than Pidge's bed, where she slept with said Paladin) Black slowed to a soar, and did a little jog to slow down once she touched down. She had landed next to the other adult Lions, including Red. 

"Giving her a little ride there Black?" Pidge smiled, who was now over the other side of the room. 

'She enjoyed it! I could tell.' Black meows, as Red gently picks her daughter off of Black's back. 

She brought her over to Blue and Yellow, the other two Lions were smaller than the Black Lion, but they still intimidated Misty, especially since their thick, fluffy fur made them look bigger than they were. Yellow purred quite happily in greeting, Blue cocked her head and smiled. They smelled friendly, so Misty Shard curiously approached them. 

'Hello little one!' Yellow meows, quietly. Misty looks at Blue who smiles again and waves a paw in hello. 'Green's told us a lot of great things about you!'

'Green One?' she meows, tilting her head. Blue's ears flick when she addresses Green as 'Green One', and by her advanced-sounding speech. 'Green One taught me so much. How to talk, walk, and eat properly.' 

Red seems to hug/tackled Green in absolute excitement and joy. Said Lion didn't mind, as she did the same thing as a greeting to the other Lions. 

'That's wonderful!' Yellow and Black meow, purring. 

Then Misty looks at all the other members of Team Voltron. The little Green Paladin who raised her, she knew her name was Pidge of course! She DIDN'T know the others.

The one who sat closest to Pidge wore Yellow, and seemed to love the colour yellow. He seemed friendly. (Hunk)

One of them was standing up behind the group. He was standing next to two sleeping Lions. He also wore a red jacket, had long black hair, and seemed a little tired. (Keith)

The other female had white hair, pointy ears, and a weird object around her forehead. She also had a regal vibe to her, and was taller than Pidge. (Allura)

Next to her was another pointy eared person, he had orange hair though... and a mustache? He seemed to be friendly, and seemed older than the others. (Coran)

Another man who seemed older than the rest had a tuft of white hair, but the rest was black like his outfit. His arm seemed metallic. (Shiro)

And the last one, the one nearest to Misty, had brown hair and seemed to have a lot more of an immature vibe. His jacket had a hood, and it was white in colour unlike the rest of it. (Lance) 

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