Chapter 9 - The Story of the Five - Part 1

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That night, and nights before and after Christmas Eve, Red and Blue kept remembering things from their past. Including how they first became the Voltron Lions in the first place. And even before that... back when they were still cubs as young as Hugo and Silver.

Planet Altea... over 10,000 Years Ago... -

'Play! Come on!' the bouncy cub meowed, jumping from side to side. She was talking to two younger cubs. 'Come on! Come on!' she meowed. 

'Settle down little one.' the mother purrs, licking her on the forehead as she walked past. 'They're tired, so let them rest a while.'

'But mama! It's BORING.' she wailed. 'When's DADDY home?!' 

'Daddy's busy hunting for the Pride okay sweetie?' she purrs, curling up beside the two sleeping cubs. 'Why don't you go find the other cubs and play with them?'

'BLEH! THEM? Mama they're ALL boring!' 

'Pele. Calm down sweetie. I hear your nanny has returned with her own cubs. Remember? You ALWAYS loved playing with her.' 

'Nanny's got cubs too?! Where!' 

'The Big Tree. It's her den.'

'I'm there then!' and the tiny silver cub runs straight for her babysitter's den. 

'Oh Pele... so full of play fire and spirit... I just wish you were able to control all your energy...'

The cub bounds through the Pride's home base, dodging and leaping between the paws and tails of the cubs and adults. They all knew her name... infamous little Pele. Many guessed she was looking for 'Nanny' as she called her babysitter, and she found her at her den under 'The Big Tree', as her mother had called it. 

'Nanny... are you HOME?' the cub meows, poking a curious paw inside. And out comes a familiar blue head. 'Nanny!' 

'Pele. I was wondering when you were coming over to visit.'

'Mama didn't TELL me you had cubs too...'

'Well... Mama wanted to wait till they were old enough to play with you Pele. You didn't give her a hard time did you?'

'No no no!' she tilts her head and sees two glowing eyes from under the tree. 'Are they the cubs? Hello!' one widens and disappears, and the other comes closer until the cub who belonged to those glowing eyes came out from under the roots of the tree. A female. 'Hello! I'm Pele!' 

'Pele, this is Kairi, my daughter. In their is my son, Rayan.' Nanny meows, nodding towards the gold eyes that reappeared. 

These cubs were a month younger than Pele. Mother Altean Lions wait a certain amount of months, until they choose when to introduce the cubs to their Pride. And Pele was three months old, making them two. Kairi was the same size as little Rayan, and Pele was slightly bigger than Kairi. Nanny eventually coaxed Rayan out of the den to say hello to Pele. 

'This Pele, remember what I told you about her?' she meows to him, within earshot of Pele as she and Kairi waited for him to come out of hiding. 

'The Pele you looked after with her siblings?'

'Yes. This is her, except her siblings must be sleeping with their mother.'

Rayan quietly, stalking slowly closer towards the older cub. Once he's close enough to sniff, he makes sure she seems safe enough before relaxing. Pele meowed, quite loudly, a hello to the shy cub. 

'Why don't you three play for a while?' but before they could go running to play, a loud yowl or warning alerted the whole Pride. 'Intruders!' Nanny yowls in response to the warning. 'Stay with we cubs. The Patrols found intruders in our territory.' 

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