Chapter 13 - A Bit of Parenting

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With babies, there came the responsibility, maturity, and patience to raise the child. (Don't ask me. I'm not a parent.)  Though Shiro was nicknamed 'Space Dad', he didn't have a child of his own... but he did take care of the Paladins when the Paladins originally got turned into babies themselves... minus himself and Coran of course. 

It was rather awkward at first, for Keith, Acxa and Pidge. Lance had experience himself playing and taking care of his young niece and nephew. So he normally helped Pidge, completely leaving the care of the two babies that were basically Keith and Acxa at that age to the others. 

The babies had very, or in some cases they did, different personalities. 

Baby Keith was rather well-behaved and quiet, not usually crying. Luckily for Acxa. 

Baby Acxa seemed a bit on edge around the other 'children' (yes including Pidge), and seemed to only trust Keith. 

Baby Lance was a very loud and a usually very happy baby. The MAIN problem Pidge had was the fact he cried if he didn't get to look at what she was doing with her tech, or at night when he was hungry, needed a diaper change, or felt lonely. The last was very frequent, so Pidge just slept with the baby in her bed. 

Baby Pidge was (like normal Pidge) very curious. That meant Lance couldn't let her leave his sight, or else she'd be on the other side of the Castle by the time he turned around. Baby Pidge, in many ways, was much like Pidge herself, minus the fact she was a baby. 

Of the four, the most difficult might have been Baby Acxa. But Keith had no experience with children that age, so it made that situation worse on the first time around. By Week Two, they got the handle on the 'schedule' of the babies needs, and got their heads around their individual unique behaviour. Plus likes and dislikes.

Red, being the ACTUAL resident parent, but also being a Lion, was rather helpful in some cases. Having raised Laith and Luna, her own children, she had the 'mother' experience... but it was a whole different world of parenting when it came to human (or Galran) children than it was with Lion Cubs. 

The Lions in the Castle usually attempt to help out, Hugo ending up being a companion to Baby Lance, usually being held like a beloved soft toy by the baby. Silver was rather jumpy around the babies. Luna kept poking Baby Acxa whenever Keith wasn't looking. Laith ignored the babies unless they came to him. Black kept squealing in joy everytime she saw one. Green groomed Baby Lance like she would Hugo or Pidge. Then ignored Baby Pidge. Blue usually found Baby Pidge cuddling her, because she usually slept in the cradle with her for company. Yellow was frantic and usually happy being in charge of sudden food and other forms of delivery involving the babies. Rayan... was like Laith but also like Green. He was unsure around the children, but would play if they wanted him to play. Red? She tried to help with advice whenever she could. 

The other Castle inhabitants were all sorts of ways around the babies, then sometimes different whenever they weren't around. Shiro usually tried to help his 'little brother' (Keith) out, but Baby Acxa didn't like Shiro one bit... so that was a problem. Coran, having been around when Allura was the babies current age... well his advice was quite helpful. Hunk was always in charge of the babies food, making sure it was perfectly safe, perfectly made, and perfect for the babies to eat. Allura was mostly in awe of the babies, but was just as clueless as Keith, Pidge and Acxa when it came to actual care. Zethrid and Ezor usually took care of Baby Keith whenever Acxa was trying to figure something out, or fetching food, diapers, or anything he may need. Baby Keith quite liked to spend a little time with them, enjoying their company. 

Baby Acxa was OKAY being NEAR them. Emphasize on those two very words. She didn't exactly like being in their care like Baby Keith was. And Keith didn't put her in that situation if she wasn't comfortable with it. 

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