Chapter 10 - The Story of the Five - Part 2

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The few nights and naps were taken up by the Lionesses of Voltron dreaming about their past, remembering all that happened... and they began to remember their names.


Kairi was tended to by the Altean 'Vets' as we call them on Earth. Pele didn't leave the room once during the entire time they were trying to treat her wounds. By the time Zahra found her way to the Castle, with assistance from a familiar alien, Kairi's treatment was completed.

'How's Kairi, Pele?' Zahra asks, sniffing their sleeping friend. Her face made her look like she was passed out drunk. 'She looks happy.'

'Well that's probably because she is happy in whatever dream she currently has.' Pele yawns, tired from the long day. 'How's the Pride?'

'Well some of the females have given birth, some are still waiting. Many males are training the teenage lions how to hunt properly, but the Pride Leader is attempting to lead Hunting Parties to sustain them until we can go home.' Zahra meows, relaying information. 'They're worried about this sort of interaction with the Altean People and Off-Worlder People. But in all they trust we'll be safe with them until Kairi recovers. Altean People are friendly and helpful.'

'That's good. Is it just me or do they rely on us three too much?'

'MAY-be!' she giggles, tail flicking around happily.

It wasn't long before the aliens known as Trigel and Blaytz came inside with Alfor. Pele was currently asleep, curled up in a ball next to Kairi, and only Zahra was awake. Zahra greeted the three of them happily, and Trigel gave her an affectionate stroke on the head behind the ears. Zahra quite enjoyed the company of the unnative aliens, she wanted to learn about them more.

"Hello there young Lioness." Trigel greets her. "We're only here to try out some new technology that may better help us understand your kind." They hold out some collar-like objects, and Zahra gives the three collars a sniff. "These will help translate your species' signature meows, chuffs, roars and other sounds with your body language and heart rate in order to form a vague understanding of the words your trying to say."

'I don't need one for you. I FULLY understand what your saying in your language.' Zahra purrs as they carefully put it on. She rolls around with it, thinking it is like a toy. 'This thing is funny! I like it!'

"We've only tried this technology on two other Altean Lions that we've taken in. They come with a tracker so we know where you are in case of danger, or to just observe what areas a certain Lion likes to go to in the wild." Alfor explains, backing away when Pele scowls at him. "Is she like this a lot?" Zahra nods, and continues rolling around with her new 'toy'.

The 'translator' beeped and flickered with a small light every time she moved around, made a sound, breathed, or did remotely anything. Pele was hesistant around the translator, giving constant checks on the one around Zahra's neck. Zahra herself found it rather fun to try and make it beep and flash. 

The next time the Altean returned, it was actually the mustache Altean who came in... the one who Alfor called Coran. He checked the health and wellbeing of the three Lionesses, and he adjusted the translator around Zahra's neck. He even brought food and equipment, and he even stayed a while to keep the Lionesses company until someone else came around with brunch. 

Altean Lions ate four meals, breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner, to keep themselves going throughout the day and night. They were larger than Earth Lions, so they needed to eat more than they did. Zahra enjoyed toying with Coran, or attempting to annoy her. She wasn't used to this much interaction with an Altean, and Pele was wondering about her wild instincts turning to that of a house-hold cat. Pele didn't want to lose herself just because the Alteans were only trying to help them. 

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