4. Sweet Escape

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-Jungkooks POV-

Our tour has officially begun and so has the plan to escape. We decided to go to Australia for two days. Jimin is in charge of the acrual escape plan, so Ill leave him to it. "Okay, Im ready for you now." He said ushering me inside. "So, I got the tickets. The plane leaves 15 minutes after we land in Japan. So we have to be quick." I whispered as he did my makeup. "Sounds good. I bought disguises, because why the hell not." He said softly with a giggle. "Okay we have 3 minutes before he needs to be out there." My manager shouted and I quickly moved to get my outfit on. I shot Jimin one last smile before he gave me a thumbs up. This is going to be the best tour I ever had.

Finally after the show finished we all made our way to the hotel. After awhile my manager came back in with an upset face. "They screwed up the rooms, so we each have to share. Two to a room. Pair up and get some rest. "Share with me." I said grabbing a room key. We both grabbed our bags and headed for our room. "Hyung? Theres only one bed in this one." I heard Jimin say. "I guess we sleep together then." I shrugged changing into my sleepwear. By the time I was done he was already in bed. "You did great tonight." Jimin said quietly as we laid in the dark. I turned the lights on but dimmed it. "You doing okay?" I said softly poking his cheek. "Yeah, its just new territory for me. Ive never thought I wouod be on tour with a famous singer." I laughed at that completely understanding him. But Im glad hes been a good addition to the staff.

We talked for another hour before he feel asleep on me. I cant help but feel attracted to him. He just seems so carefree but in a good way. Hes quiet, but he can be sassy too. Hes also really fun to be around. He has never made me feel pressured or pike Im being used. Hes just purely interested in working. I turned back once more to see his sleeping figure before allowing myself to sleep as well.

-Jimins POV-

The next morning I woke up and gathered my things and got dressed for the busy day ahead. Jungkook woke up earlier I assume because his stuff was gone. "Okay lets hurry up. Rehearsals start in 30!" His manager shouted as we all approached the van. "Hey!" I turned to see the new clothing person. We talked a few times and she seems very nice. "Hi Somi. Did you rest well?" I asked politely. "Great. How about you Oppa?" I hegan to respond but we were ushered inside. We did talk the whole ride to the stadium. We became pretty good friends quickly. She spoke pretty good Korean despite her saying how bad she is at it. Again it was a long busy and tiring day for us all. But we still need to keep our energy up. I checked my phone and we still had an hour to go.

*Time skip*

We were minutes away from landing in Japan when Jungkook sent me a text. "Tell them you need to use the bathroom. Ill follow you." He texted. I did as instructed and of course his body guards followed us, but luckily they waited outside. "Okay, put this on and put everything in this." I said handing him a wig and a new bag. I giggled at our appearances and snapped a quick photo of us. "Okay. Lets go." He said holding my hand. "Excuse me." I said speaking Japanese as I bumped into a bodyguard. "Okay turn this corner and we run fast." I nodded glancing back to see the two guards go into the bathroom. "Run now!" I shouted pulling him along. We got to our gate, wigs no where to be seen anymore. "Nice, we are just in time." I said as we stood in line. Im so excited for this, I cant believe we pulled it off.

We arrived at the Hotel suite he booked for us and it was gorgeous. "Come on! Lets go walk around!" I squealed happily. He still had to wear his mask, but at least he is away from the spotlight for now. "Jimin look. An amusement park, want to go?" He said and I instantly led the way there. We stayed there for a few hours playing games and riding different rides. "Man Im best. Want to go back to the hotel?" I said as we laid on the grass. He nodded and on the way out he got us some churros for the walk back. Australia truly is a beautiful place, I wish I could just stay here forever. Even the hotel is gorgeous! "Get comfy, Ill order room service." I nodded and jumped into bed, the bed felt so soft! "Okay, lets find something to do later. And something to do tomorrow." I said as I grabbed the travel magazine. Luckily my english skills are pretty good.

-Jungkooks POV-

After finishing our food we decided to stay in for the rest of the night. Jimin was in the middle of playing his music and dancing along to it. "I didnt think you danced Jiminie." I said as I watched him move effortlessly to the beat. "I do! I bet Im the better dancer." He said with a giggle. "Challenge accepted." I smirked grabbing my phone to play a song. I began to dance as Jimin watched with a smile. "Beat that shorty!" He stuck his tongue out at me and got right to dancing. He was very good, but Ill never say that aloud. As he spun around I grabbed onto him tickling his sides. "N-No fair! Thats cheating!" He said as he laughed loudly. "No it isnt. We both know Im better." I said as I tossed him onto his bed. "Well one day Ill just have to prove it to you then." He said confidently as he staeted dancing again. I sat and watched him playfully dance around.

Next thing I know he pulls me up to dance. "Dance with me Hyung." I held onto his sides as we swayed to the beat. "Im having alot of fun. Thanks for this Jimin." I said quietly. "Thank you for allowing it to happen. I really had a-whoa!" It happened so quickly. I guess he lost his footing and we both landed onto the bed. "You okay?" I said looking down at him. We both stared at each other, almost in a challenging way. But before I could pull away, I leaned in capturing his lips. They were soft, and soon enough he kissed back! "W-Wait stop. We cant. We shouldnt do this." Jimin said as he pulled away catching his breathe. "No rules here. Remember? Just us." I said as I pecked his lips again. "What about when we go back?" He said I moved off of him. "What do you want to happen?" I asked as I held his hand in mine. They were so cute and small. "We should take it slow and figure it out as we go." He said as he moved closer to me. "Can you kiss me again?" He said shyly and I gladly agreed. "Stay close to me." I whispered as we cuddled together. I was happy, finally happy.


Another update❤

Ready for it to get alittle sad for a few chapters?

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