25. Making Euphoria

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*2 months later*

-Jungkooks POV-

I have been planning the proposal with Jin and Namjoon Hyungs help. They just suggested I do something sweet, something from the heart. I mean that is an obvious given but they did give suggestions. Like writing a song to sing to him. Something that describes my feelings about him. Which is what Ive been working on. I really cant describe how much he means to me. Things have only been getting better and we havent had any more problems with him being attacked. Which Im eternally grateful for. I felt bad for him, he would scold me for being alittle excessive in my protectiveness. But it got the job done, so it was worth the scolding. I went over to Jay Hyungs office to discuss my plans with him.

I walked in to see him taking a nap. So I did what any mature person would do. "FIRE! THERES A FIRE!" I shouted loudly causing him to jump up frantically. "Wha-? Jeon Jungkook!" He shouted as I bursted out laughing. Its too funny messing with him. "Dont do that. Im getting too old for your pranks." He mumbled fixing his stuff that fell off his desk. "So Im planning to propose to Jimin." I started out gaining his complete attention. "So I want to do it when we are on tour. Busan is in the line up, I thought I would close the show with a new song Im writing for him." He nodded and we talked about it and the extra tickets I need to get for it.

I went home to find he was still in bed sprawled out like a starfish. Hes so cute. I climbed into bed laying beside him. "Mm where'd you go? I woke up earlier to see you were gone." He mumbled turning to face me. I brushed his hair back as he laid there with his eyes closed. "I was at the studio." I gave him a peck and repositioned him to lay comfortably at my side. As I laid there, I thought of my plans to propose to him. Thats when I thought about the song I want to write. Its all jumbled ideas right now. But the main focus is how happy he makes me. I still havent decided on a song title yet.

I woke up abit later to see he was still by me. He was watching some cat video on his phone giggling at it. "We should get a pet." I said as I admired the way his face lit up at the video. "Really? You want to get a pet? It can be our first kid t-I mean yeah we should." I shook my head at his adorableness and gave him a peck on the lips. I grabbed my notebook and begin to clean up my thoughts for this song. The tour begins next week so I have to get this going now. "I wish we could be back in Hawaii right now. It was nice." He said as he moved to lay his head on my lap. "Jungkook~Pay attention to me." He whined tossing the notebook onto the floor. At least he didnt look at what Im writing. If its my attention he wants, thats what he is getting. Besides its been awhile.

-Jimins POV-

I wasnt expecting sex. Mindblowing sex. But hey Im not complaning. I just wanted cuddles. "W-Wait dont go yet. We can shower later." I said holding him in place. He nodded moving to lay beside me and I cuddled up to him. "Hyung?" I said breaking the silence. "Mm you dont need to call me Hyung anymore." He said as he looked down at me. I smiled at that but decided to just spit it out. "Do you see us together, 5 years from now?" I asked shyly as I laced our fingers together. He didnt say anything but I feel him kiss my forehead. "Yes. D-Do you?" He said with the same shyness I had. Its a scary subject to bring up. The thought of breaking up with someone so special. But I know my answer to this. "I do too. I love you." He said back giving me a kiss.

I woke up later still in his arms. He always looked adorable when hes asleep. I mean he looks good awake too, but he looks like a baby when he sleeps. Lips in a pout, its cute! I grabbed my phone and snapped a few pictures of us and some of him. "Love?" I said shaking him abit. He only turned digging his face into my shoulder. "Lets stay like this." He mumbled but we already spent half the day in bed. I moved to get off the bed when I noticed his notebook. "Babe you shouldnt leave your stuff laying a-." I started to say before he was bent over grabbing it. "And for the record you threw it on the ground." I watched as he placed his book suspiciously in his bag. "So what do you write about? Do you write about me?" I asked latching myself onto his back.

I continued to ask him my ridiculous questions. Which led to our current position. He placed me on the bed but he told me I was in time out. No touching for an hour. Which is very cruel, he knows how clingy I can be. I turned to him trying to get him to let me off. "I told you. I wont touch you, and the same for you. Just play on your phone." I pouted and grabbed my phone to watch something. I browsed through different shows and decided to watch something random. "What show is that?" I heard Jungkook say as I was about 5 minutes into the show I chose. "I dont know. Its called 'Euphoria' though, seems good." I said turning to face him, he had that look he gets when hes concentrating on something.

-Jungkooks POV-

It felt like everything clicked together. Euphoria. Thats what I feel when Im with him. Its perfect for a title! "Do you know what that word means Min?" I said turning to him. He was so into his show that he didnt respond to me. I checked the time and saw it was an hour already. I wrapped my arms around his waist and that definitely got his attention. "I asked if you knew what Euphoria meant?" I whispered to him as he turned to face me. "I do. Its when your extremely happy or excited. Why?" He said cuddled closer to me. "Have you ever felt that kind of feeling?" I asked him as I pecked his forehead. He nodded with a hint of pink on his cheeks.

I tilted his face up again waiting for him to respond. "Your going to laugh if I tell you." He mumbled cutely. I held my pinky out to him and he locked his with mines. "I feel it when you hold me. Like this. Whenever Im with you I feel it." I smiled at his answer pulling him in for a kiss. This is the perfect way to describe our love, its fitting. "I feel it when you look at me. I love you Park Jimin." I connected our lips together again. I could feel his hands make their way around my neck. I never want these moments to end. I wish to spend forever just like this with him. This is all I need. Hes all I need. "I love you Jeon Jungkook." He said softly once we pulled away. I cant wait to propose to the love of my life.


I couldnt resist!!! 💜💜💜💜

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