Chapter 8: An Eventful Evening

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Chapter 8

6:58am, 23/02/25, Saturday


Tobias and Emily had been a whole lot closer ever since last night. Red assumed that his idea worked. He did also get a lot closer to Sasha, even though she still refused to let him see her face. She ended up wearing a hoodie and mask to bed, which would've been a bit uncomfortable.

The five were sitting at a booth at the pub downstairs. The five men from before were sitting at a booth across from them. Red noticed that one of them had a thick French accent, 'Must be an immigrant' he thought. He wasn't surprised, most of the people in his group were immigrants, excluding Emily and Chelsea. Tobias was British and Sasha was British/Irish. She told him while they were making conversation last night.

Red didn't learn many things about Sasha. She did tell him things though. Some of them weren't willingly said but said nonetheless.

He learned that Sasha had three siblings, most of them younger, with one older sister. She didn't give out any names, but Red could understand why. He didn't have a very... pleasant relationship with his younger brother and he wouldn't want to give out his name either.

He also learned that she likes beer and smoking. A lot. She was even drinking a beer right now. Red didn't know how he didn't notice this before, but she always seemed to have a cigarette or alcoholic drink on her. He'd have to talk to her about that.

Red was currently in a conversation with her. They were so caught up talking about how fucked up blood relatives can be, that they didn't realize the subtle glare Chelsea was giving Sasha.

"OKAY! How about we leave now and go explore the area, huh?" Chelsea exclaimed, startling the four people in conversation and gaining the attention of the French man from the booth next to them. "We could take a break for the day and explore the area. Let's go in groups so we don't get lost."

"I'm fine going with Sa-" Red was cut off.

"Me. You're going with me and Tobias. Emily and Sasha can have their own group." Everyone stared at Chelsea in shock. They'd never heard her angry before, well, except Red. He's heard her angry plenty of times, just not often. So, it was a surprise to him too.

"Actually, I'd prefer to stay here" Sasha mentioned after a couple of minutes of silence.

"Great! C'mon then Red, Tobias," Chelsea stood up and grabbed Red's hand, he was extremely confused "let's go to the archery range! We can spruce up our aiming skills for our magic" Her loud squeaky voice slowly faded out as she left the bar, dragging Red behind her.

"I, uh... I guess I'll follow them" Tobias stuttered.


"c'mon, Chels, we've been gone for three hours, we have to head back now"


Chelsea, Red, and Tobias had been wandering around the nearby carnival, playing games, riding rides, but it was time for them to head back. They had been gone for 3 hours and Red didn't think it was a good idea to leave two assassins in a bar, alone.

The walk back to the bar was full of Chelsea gushing over the cute stuffed panda Red won for her, which was adorable, and Red wondering how Tobias was doing back in his hotel room. He had left around an hour after they got to the carnival, saying he would rather wait there and draw in this little sketchbook he bought than going on the rides.

Closing in on the bar, Red heard distant yelling in what sounded like Irish. He hoped it didn't have anything to do with the girls, though, he doubted it.

Apparently, though, he was wrong.

Opening the door to the bar, Red saw Emily sitting in a corner with a beer in her hands, crying and muttering in Spanish, while Sasha was screaming in Irish to the bartender, most likely for more drinks, even though their original table had 12 beer bottles on it. Tobias, though, was standing on the staircase, sketchbook in hand, looking scared for everyone's wellbeing. Sometimes, he's too nice for his own good.

Red ran to Sasha, trying his best to calm her down, but she kept yelling to the bartender in a heavy Irish accent (who looked unaffected), which eventually turned into choked sobs. Red managed to lead Sasha upstairs to their room while Chelsea was struggling to pick up a now passed out Emily. Tobias ran over to Chelsea to help her.

Sasha ended up passing out in the hallway on the way to their room. Red dragged her to their room door, leaning her against the wall so he could reach into his pocket and pull out the room key. He fumbled with it for a bit before putting it in the lock and opening the door, Dragging Sasha by her arms to the bed farthest to the door and hauling her up on top of it, not bothering to cover her with the blanket.

He could tell that the next day was going to be extremely eventful.

Sorry the chapter was so short! I've had terrible writers block over the past month and just couldn't update this for the life of me.

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