Chapter 9: Uno

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Chapter 9

7:29am, 24/02/25, Sunday


Sasha did not feel well.

She woke up from her nap (which wasn't really a nap, since it lasted the whole day) feeling like shit. It, of course, wasn't one of her worst hangovers, but it's up there on the list. She had a throbbing headache that felt like someone was hammering her skull every two seconds, and her stomach was aching.

Sasha sat up, her headache increasingly stripping her of her saneness. The room was empty, she assumed Red was waiting outside with Emily, Tobias and Chelsea. Speaking of Chelsea, she was acting strange yesterday – she seemed to be fuming with jealousy whenever Sasha was with... oh- OH.

The realization hit her like a truck, somehow making her head hurt more than before, but, still. It isn't every day you find out someone has an obvious crush on your friend. Well, Emily was more obvious with her first (and last) crush. Some guy called Jake, who ran away every time Emily came close to him. Sasha didn't understand why she liked him, maybe that's why she doesn't like anyone romantically now.

Sasha's thoughts were cut off when someone opened the door to her shared room. Quickly covering her face with her hood, she looked over to see Emily peeking her head through the gap in between the door and door frame. Realizing it was just her, she pulled her hood down, the intense light of the lamp on the bedside table reminding her of her intense headache. Emily's hair was shorter than normal, much shorter. About shoulder length short. It was odd to Sasha, since the shortest she's seen Emily's hair was a little bit above her waist.

'Hey dude' Emily signed, trying to spare Sasha and herself from the noise of talking, since they were both hungover.

'Hey' She signed back, pulling the covers back on the bed, moving to sit on the edge and patting the space next to her, signaling Emily over. 'what's up with your hair?'

'can't remember exactly, but I remember not being able to get my hair tie out, so I think I just chopped it off with my axe' Emily signed back, sitting down next to her. 'But hey, at least it looks a more similar to my real-life hair now.'



'I'm gonna choose to ignore that last comment. Can you get me some Tylenol or something? This headache's gonna kill me' Emily nodded, walking out the room, presumably to hers, coming back around thirty seconds later with two oblong pills in her hand and a glass of water in the other. Sasha nodded in thanks, grabbing the pills from her friend's hand and placing them on her tongue, before grabbing the glass of water from the brunette's right hand and throwing her head back as she let the pills slide down her throat. Taking pills wasn't really her forte, but after a handful of childhood trauma and a pinch of killing people for a living, she managed to get used to it.

Handing back the cup to Emily, she cautiously stood up, grabbing on to her friend's arm for balance as she hobbled over to her backpack. She grabbed out a pair of pants and her worn out boots, deciding that she wouldn't need to change out of her black hoodie or ripped up purple shirt. Emily, noticing that Sasha was getting ready to change, nodded to her and walked out the door, the sound of the door clicking closed being followed by faint footsteps walking down the hotel hallway.

7:44am, 24/02/25, Sunday


"Oh come on, again?" Red groaned as Chelsea placed down a '+4' card onto the deck, two cards left in her hands as a smug grin made its way to her face, the faint sound of Tobias' muffled laughter in the background. "I swear, if you dealt the cards in your favour, I'm gonna hold it against you always and forever."

"Always? Why always?"

"I don't believe in never," he said.

"I don't believe in always," she continued

"Well, opposites attract."

"Never." Chelsea raised an eyebrow.

"Always." Red finished, looking into his best friend's eyes as he placed down another plus four card, the smug look on Chelsea's face fading as she groaned, once again at six cards. Tobias struggled to hold in his laughter at the obvious crush the two friends had on each other, holding his hand to his mouth as he giggled like a schoolgirl. Footsteps could be heard making their way down the stairs near the bar counter. It was practically empty at this time, who would want to get drunk at seven in the morning. Well, Sasha would, but he ruled out that possibility. Red didn't bother to look and see who was coming, too engrossed in beating Chelsea's ass at UNO to even really care.

"the sexual tension is strong in this one," he heard from behind him, turning to look to the right of him outside the booth he was sitting in, standing there was Emily, a smug look on her face as she wiggled her eyebrows at the two friends. Their cheeks painted red, Tobias, not able to keep it in anymore, burst out laughing, gaining a smile from the brunette, "Sasha'll be down in a bit. Am I allowed to join in on your intense UNO game?" Nodding in agreement, Red collected all the cards and put them in a deck as Emily sat down beside him. Shuffling the cards, he placed seven in front of the trio, a second match being started.

Words: 1028

ahhh it's been so long! I had massive writer's block, but I managed to scratch this up. I went back to earlier chapters and edited them to what I originally wanted them to be and I just wanna say that holy hell, I've improved. anyway, if you're still reading this, thaankkksss!!! the illustrator and I are really fond of this plot and the characters added into them, we have so much planned for the future of this series, more characters, plot twists, romances, drama, angst, all that jazz. I can't promise that I'll get a chapter out every week or stuff like that, but I promise to keep updating in my own time/eventually. I might go back and re-write the whole thing if I have the chance in the future, honestly, my writing was disastrous back then. anyway, thanks for reading!

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