Chapter 7: Mutations

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[WARNING: a lot more swearing than normal]
Chapter seven

1:26 am 22/02/25, Friday

"ughhhhh... this is taking so looonngg..!"

"The more you talk, the longer the journey will seem. In other words, shut up." Sasha, or in other words, the hooded chic, scolded Emily, or the blue cloaked chic. They had been on the road for three and a half hours, heading to the town up ahead. Emily had complained more than once about how long it was taking and everyone was starting to get fed up.

"wait! Guys look," Emily pointed to an abandoned SUV "it's an abandoned car! Cant we just hijack it? Pleaassee? We would get to rest, and the walk would be shorter. My legs feel like jelly.." she whined, running up to the car, Sasha on her tail.

"No, Emily. We can't steal a car." Red was upset. They're supposed to be helping people. Not stealing from them.

"c'mon! live a little! Plus, we're not stealing it, we're just borrowing it. It'll be returned on our way home." She pleaded.

Red sighed. When he said they could come, he didn't say that they could do whatever they wanted along the way. But it couldn't hurt to drive for a while, right? They're legs felt like they were going to fall off and the car was abandoned anyway.



"Have I ever told you about that one-time Sash and I had to seduce a 48-year-old?"

"wait- what? How old even are you guys?" Tobias asked. He was a little creeped out thinking about the position Sasha and Emily were in when they seduced the guy.

"Yup," Sasha said, popping the 'p'. "I'm 23, Emily's 22. We had to distract the guy while the Golden Trio went and killed everyone. I think he was a bouncer at this one club? I can't remember. The only thing I remember was thinking: why the fuck do they only have one security guard at a club?" She explained, kicking her legs up on the dashboard from the passenger seat of the car. Tobias was kind of scared now. Did they kill people? Well, he should've realized earlier. They literally were supposed to kill them before. And who was to 'Golden Trio'?

"'EY! GET YO' LEGS OFF MY DASHBOARD!" Emily took one hand off the steering wheel to smack Sasha's legs. She didn't move.

"It's not even your car." Red sighed.

"Well, it is until we return it so MOVE YO DAHM LEGS!"

3:48 pm, 22/02/25, Friday

The Callions arrived at the next town two hours later.

Tobias was now very glad that they decided to hijack the car. He would've probably died before they reached the halfway point.

The town was relatively small, just a few buildings and shops around the place. From the looks of it, most of the structures were houses. The next town would be a five hour walk and a three-hour drive, so everyone decided to stop at the local inn for the night.

The inn was small, like the rest of the buildings in the town. Downstairs was a pub, which was almost abandoned of life, apart from a group of four men sitting in one of the booths, seemingly drunk and the bartender, who was cleaning a cup with a cloth.

The group booked their rooms. They decided to put pairs who haven't talked to each other much in the same rooms. Tobias was in a room with Emily and Red was in a room with Sasha. Since Chelsea was friends with everyone, she got her own room.

Tobias entered his room, Emily not far behind. Their room was in the middle of the other's rooms. Chelsea on the left and Sasha and Red on the right.

The room was pretty big, despite how small looking it was on the outside. It had two queen sized beds on the right with a bedside table in the middle of the two. To the left of the room was a tv, which looked to be around 30 years old. It was standing up on an old, damaged coffee table. To the right of the tv was a small desk, barely large enough to fit a computer. On the left side of the bed closest to the door was a small bathroom and on the other side was a couple of cabinets, with a kettle, toaster, and sink.

It was quite late at night, probably midnight. Tobias placed his bags down on the floor and was about to jump on his bed and retire for the night when Emily called his name.

"Hey, uh, Tobias? Can I, uh, talk to you for a sec?" Emily sat on her bed, patting the spot next to her for Tobias to join.

"Um, sure? What is it?" He sat down on the bed, looking at Emily with curious eyes.

"listen, you seem nice and i've been wanting to tell someone else about this for the longest time, so, promise you wont tell anyone else about it, alright?"

"I won't, trust me. what's wrong?" Tobias was starting to worry.

"Is it ok if I tell you about... well, what my past was? We can do some crazy flashback shit and an emotional rollercoaster."

"sure! You can tell me anything, I won't tell anyone."

"ok, uh, when I was, I don't know, around eight? My... father... took me to a 'bring your daughter to work' day." Emily paused "He took me to this... uh, lab and asked one of his 'helpers' to open this glass case" She looked away, tears threatening to spill from her eyes, "He asked me to get inside and me being the dumb kid I was, didn't question it and entered the suspicious glass machine."

"Are you sure you want to tell me this? Y-you can take a break if you want-"

"No, it's fine. I'm fine." Emily interrupted, her voice cracking barely noticeably "He turned it on and all I remember is feeling this... this, uh... pain, that I've never felt before. It was worse than the pain of killing your dog in Minecraft" She chuckled, "I think I blacked out after that, maybe for a day or two. But when I woke up, I had these... accessories" She pointed to her ears and tail "it ruined my life. Going around being called a fucking furry because my father forced a genetic mutation on me." Tears were silently falling down her cheeks. She didn't make a move to wipe them "Ever since Sasha found out about, uh, the mutations, she didn't care. If anything, she just ended up caring about me more. She was like a sister. I eventually stopped hiding my mutations because I just didn't fucking care anymore"

"I'm so sorry that happened." Tobias paused "do you, uh, need a hug?" he chuckled awkwardly, opening his arms.

"I... I'd like that, Tobi"


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