《《ɪᴄʜɪ | ʜᴏᴡᴀɪᴛᴏʀōᴢᴜ》》

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The Magic Knights are full of mages and warlocks. There are nine orders in all that directly serve the Emperor. They risk their lives fighting for the Kingdom. All the citizen look up to them.

And now, today is the first day of October, giving the ones who just got their grimoires, to train for six months as they join in the Magic Knights Entrance Exams!


Time Check 》 7:30 a.m

"[Name]?" A man with dirty blonde hair nervously knock on his squad mate's door. He was wearing a black robe with an insignia of a bull. After waiting for a few seconds, he hear a mumbled groan from the room.

"Finral? The door's open." He sigh and open the door, revealing a light messy [F/C] room. In the big sized bed, a girl with long messy [H/C] hair with her head in between the pillows.

"[N/N], wake up. It's the Magic Knights Entrance Exams today and we are going to accompany Yami!" [Name] sit up and look at Finral, tilting her head slightly to the side.

"I thought you and Gordon will accompany Yami, not me?"

"He said that he needed you to come to help him pick the newcomers. Gordon also back out because he is sick today." [Name] look at Finral with disbelief in her eyes. The boy return it by looking at her with his puppy dog eyes making her groan and stand up.

"Alright fine. Better buy me some [F/D] later. Give me at least 30 minutes to get ready." [Name] said as she open her closet to get her clothes, shampoo, body wash and towel making Finral sweat drop at her actions.

"I really wonder how on earth you are so accepting." The girl stood up and stretch her arms.

"And I really wonder why you are not leaving my room yet. Get out you goofball." [Name] push Finral's back as the two of them exited the room. She pat Finral's back and gave him a smile that makes his heart go doki-doki.

"Wait for me at the living room. If you two leave me behind, I swear that I will make Terra go after you." Finral saluted before ruffling her messy hair and walk on the opposite way she is going. His cheeks burning pink as his mind remembers how cute the girl was.

"Ah shit. This should be Vanessa's job! Gosh, her cuteness is too pure for my heart!"


Time Check >>> 7:54 a.m.

"Who is that girl I see~?" [Name] sang out as she put on her robe, which define her as a member of the Black Bulls. She look at the mirror as she tied her hair into a French braid.

"Staring straight, back at me~"

*[Name]* A soft voice was heard behind her, [Name] turn around and saw a big lion walking towards her. She laugh and hug the lion, feeling comfortable with his fluffiness.

"Hello Terra, you stay here or you will come with?" The girl ask the lion, who let out an excited roar, as she finish up her braid. *I wanna go! Maybe I can scare some lil shit there.*[Name] laugh at his excitement as she puts on her sunflower crown on her head, putting some hairpins to prevent it from falling.

"That's not very nice of you. Come on! Last one is a rotten being!" She run out of the room leaving a stun lion, behind.

"Hey! That's cheating!"


Meanwhile with Asta and Yuno

"Woah, this is so awesome!" Asta look around as he and Yuno walked around the Common Realm, obviously amazed at the sight of buildings and the number of stalls and people around. His eyes sparkling as he saw some display of expensive equipment.

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