《《ɢᴏ | ʟᴏᴛᴜs 》》

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        "So, care to explain?" [Name] said as she look at the two boys sitting on her bed. As she spoke, Asta and Magna got on their knees while asking for forgiveness over and over again.

"You got it all wrong [Name]-chan! We just go out from the bath and I showed Asta the girls' corridor half naked because there's no one around except the two of us-"

"But still, its not a good reason to wander to our corridor dressed like that! What if Terra or Vanessa-chan found you two instead and not me?" [Name] pinch the bridge of her nose making Magna hung his head in shame and sulk more.

"We are really sorry [S/L/N]-chan! We really mean no harm!" Seeing Asta and Magna sulking made [Name]'s heart warm, she can't really stay mad at them even for 5 minutes.

"Alright, I give up. I was just worried because what if Terra did found you two first like that. You do know the consequence." She then looked at Magna with sparkling eyes, as if taunting him. "Right, Magna?" The delinquent shivered and hugged himself.

"Y-you got a point. I don't want Asta to face a mischievous Terra on his first day as a Black Bull." The two looked at the shrimpster of the squad, who is very clueless while watching his seniors looked at each other and reminiscing that certain event that will forever stay on every Black Bull members' memory.


-One Year Ago-

The sunlight peek through a certain vice captain's [Favorite Color] curtains, making her stir a little bit and yawn. She sat up and looked at her clock pointing at 8:17. "Heh, still early... Time to sleep again." She let out a laugh and fall on her fluffy bed again, cuddling herself with her cute stuffed animals.

"GYAH!! Terra, it's not what you think!" [Name] groan at the noise and turn around, trying to sleep again despite of the noise outside her room.

'Oh? Do enlighten me please.'  ...

"HAHAHAHA! Can't catch me!"  ...

"I feel like I am going to throw up..."  [Name] stood up with a grumpy look on her face. "What's with all the noise about... Should I put a sign at my door the exact time that I slept so that they would atleast prevent some noise outside? Tsk!" [Name] went on as she grabbed her hair tie from her collection and put her hair up in a messy bun.

"I hope Terra didn't make any trouble with the others again..." She put on her [Favorite Animal] slippers on before opening her door, revealing the source of noise.

"Terra! Atleast let me wear my pants first!" Magna cried out as he tried to escape the lion's mana holding his foot as the delinquent hang upside down, wearing nothing but a towel covering his treasure. "Geh." [Name] rubbed her eyes trying to know if she was still dreaming or not.

"I'm telling you, it's not what you think!" [Name] looked up and saw Finral who was in the same state as Magna. Then a blur of yellow catch her eye as she saw Luck running away from Terra's unescapable mana. 

"Can't catch me!" 

"Can someone tell me what is happening here?" [Name] walked towards gauche and the other member at the end of the corridor. They were all laughing at the sight infront of them.

"Terra found these guys outside your room, claiming that they were sent by Yami. In. That. Choice. Of. Clothes." Vanessa said as Yami chuckled. "But I really didn't."  Gauche rolled his eyes along whispering the lines 'how shameful, lying through his teeth in front of the goddess.'. Yami turned his head towards the mirror grimoire user with a wicked smile.

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