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"There, there, good boy Cerberus..." The ash blondie extended his arm, holding a large piece of meat. He slowly approached the cage while chanting what his vice captain said to him. 'Cerby might look threatening and svary but he is a big softie. Just don't aggrivate him and the others.' Cerberus cautiously walked towards his temporary care take, sniffing the meat if it was safe or not. When the beast noticed that it was safe, with no ppison or anything, he happily ate the meat causing him to accidentally swallow Asta's upper body in process.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" A certain noble watched how her conpanion struggle to live and hold on the mouth of the happy creature. Shiro, who was  standing beside Asta let out a hiss, slightly touching Cerberus' nose making him whine before returning back to it's cage.

"Thank you Shiro! I thought I was going to die!" 

"Kitsu!"Noelle's eyes sparkled at the sight of the dazzling creature beside Asta, her tails waging in the air blissfully. The noble aimed to touch the Kitsune, but she evaded her and leaped on the male's shoulder. "Y-you're freakishly strong and get along well with those... creatures." Noelle claimed, crossing her arms as she observed Asta have fun with the lively Beel and a babay minotaur along with Shiro.

"Well, I train! And [S/L/N]-chan asked me to keep an eye on the- ah! Belphie, don't sleep there!" The male screech when he saw the minotaur on the lamp, wondering how it got there. Shiro let out a cry before jumping and put the sleepy creature back on the ground.

"What are they?" Curious, she peeked over Asta's shoulder, only to see three little creatures staring at her. 'K-kawai!' The noble thought, her heart pounding in her chest because of theirloveliness.

"They are hybrids that Yami-san and [S/L/N]-chan found during their mission, I think?" Before the two could converse more, a familiar laugh echoed through the beasts' section. Beel and Belphie immediately climbed on Noelle's shoulder while Shiro stood in front of them with her tails in the air ready to defend if ever. They looked ahead only to see their captain and Magna laughing at each other.

"Captain Yami and Magna-senpai!"

"I wonder if they finished their... m-m-mission?!" When Noelle saw the two, her first reaction was to cover the two precious beasts' eyes at the horrific display infront of them while Asta just screamed at their bare figure. Shiro just went inside the cage, wanting to play with Cerberus rather than seeing the two naked.


"That old man actually had a straight flush! Who would have thought?"

"He's amazing! Only[Name] can par with him if she only knew how to play!" Magna saw the two rookies ahed and gleefully waved at them.

"Hey Stupidsta, Lady Noe, we're back! Be happy, the two of you are going on a mission!" Asta and Noelle stared at each other before letting out gasps of their own.


"Put some clothes on!"


Terra heaved as he walked through the woods surrounding the said Saussy Village, nervously thinking about his partner. Man, she could be a stubborn nut sometimes.


"Terra, when the others arrived, I want you to guide them here."

"But you know how far exactly the forest from this village!" [Name] reluctantly looked at the mist infront of them and exhale. Grabbing a hold of his fluffy face, she bent down and looked at his emerald hues intently and smiled.

"Terra, I'll just protect the people in there. They would be here before our link could disappear." With a heavy and worried heart, the lion nuzzle his head to her palm before running into the woods while [Name] walked towards the mist covered village.

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