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"... I know that kind of face anywhere." [Name] hold back her laughter and look at Asta's 'oh-shit-I'm-dead-!' face. Finral hum and watch the scene before him, grimoire ready to help Asta if ever something happen. "Oh, he is actually thinking in battle huh?" Yami puff out a smoke and for once, [Name] ignored his smoking and smiled.

"Well, even if he cut through Magna's attack, it wouldn't stop the forward force. Same thing if he just block his attack. The only thing he can do now is..." [Name] took a sip from her milkshake and smirked when Asta swung his sword and hit the fire ball back at Magna. "...to return it." Finral whispered as he watched in awe and closed his grimoire since the situation is under control.

"It's been a while since I didn't need to save a rook during one of these so called ceremonies." Asta stood there in shock, realization hitting him in the face about what the hell just happen. 

'I have no idea!!! He almost killed me back there!' Asta look at the sword in hand then look at Magna with a weird look on his face. 

'What the hell is he thinking?! Trying to kill a new member on their first day?! More importantly is he okay?!' This thought made Asta go on a mini screaming session of 'I am so sorry!' and 'I just killed someone!'

[Name] laugh at Finral's statement and put a hand behind her head. "Don't be silly Finny, there was no rook to save in the first place anyway." She then look at Magna's place which is covered by smoke. She cupped her hand around her mouth and yelled at the delinquent. "Magna? Are you still alive?" The boy let out a cough and gave her a thumbs up.

"I'm fine [Name]-chan! But it fucking hurts like hell!"

"Watch your language." [Name] grumbled as she walked towards Magna. "This is why I am thankful that I know healing magic. Now sit still." She knelt beside him, her hand on Magna's head while the other holding her precious infinity milkshake. The flower crown on [Name]'s head started to glow in soft green color as Magna felt his rash and small wounds heal. "You don't need to [Name]-chan. I can-woah!" When Magna tried to stand up, [Name] pulled the boy down immediately by his hand and he was face to face with a worried [Name] makibg him stop struggling in her hold.

"Magna, be a softie for now and let me heal you." The delinquent stared for her for a moment before blushing and turning away his head from her direction, spewing nonsense.


"I'll take that a yes then." Yami squinted his eyes at the scene in front of him. "Wow, that's new. Magna accepting [Name]'s help." He looked at Vanessa and point his finger at Magna.

"Did he ate something weird? That can't be good."

"The only thing that is not good is your jealousy Cap." Vanessa fake gasped and let out an oopsie before hiding behind Gray. Yami slightly blush and shrug, watching the midgets in front of him.

"But it's amazing Asta. You manage to deal with Magna's magic for the first time. You nailed it." [Name] said to the boy with a grin on her face. Magna nod in agreement to her statement.

"You are pretty damn good!" Asta's eyes turn into stars, hearing compliments from two seniors especially the love of his life made his head float in the clouds of happiness.

"T-thank yo-!" Before he could even finish his words of gratitude, Magna stood up along with [Name] as he walked towards Asta and hit him on the back really hard. 

"You didn't block or attack but you send it back!" Terra gasp and look at Finral with a shock look on his face. 'Holy shit that rhymed!' Finral sweat drop at the lion's usual insult and just gave him a pat on his head.

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