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"Seems like you went through hell!" Yami laughed at the five Black Bulls members infront of him, Noelle looked at him with disbelief.

'Why is he laughing? Someone even died.'

"But [Name], I'm glad that I sent you there in time." His eyes went to the vice captain and puffed out a smoke. "Yeah, I'm glad too." She mumbled before flashing the oldest one a soft smile which he returned it with his own.

"Well done. You did a great job you little shits!" Terra, Magna and [Name] stood up straight and put three fingers over their heart and let out a 'Thank you captain!', while the two newbies just stared at them in confusion.

"What's that?"

"You moron! You don't even know the Magic Knight's salute?!" Before Magna could say even more, [Name] put her hand on his shoulder and sigh.

"Magna-kun don't be like that to Asta." Magna could feel himself watching when the female kept her hand on his shoulder as she talked to Asta.

"Three fingers represents a clover. Why don't you give it a try?" Asta let out a loud yes before doing the same thing. Then the short male remembered something as he turn to looked at Yami with an amazed look on his face.

"But Captain! [S/L/N]-chan is really strong! She destroyed half of the ice shards without breaking a sweat!"

"Believe me when I say that wasn't her 10% yet." Yami stood up and walked infront of [Name] with a grin.

"Terra might have already said to you but work on your defending and healing abilities at the same time."

"Alright, stop rubbing it into my face." Before the two captain and vice captain could 'argue' more, a portal appeared revealing Vanessa and Finral.


"Good job you five!"[Name] lighten up and hugged her best friend happily.

"Finny! Vanessa, welcome back!" The latter giggled at her cuteness and patted the female's hair fondly. "[Name]!" Finral shared the same energy and hugged the vice captain back while twirling her in the air making the other males glare directly at the lucky male.

"Finny, Terra got super scared when the two of us were separated for like 4 hours."

"Really? Man, wished I could see it."



'Fuck you.' The lion looked at the other way with a hmp making the duo stopped hugging and comforted the big baby lion..

"The magic investigation squad took a look at the item he left behind, but still don't have a clue." Magna angrily threw a fireball next to Terra and [Name] making them act on instinct and make a light green force field around them.


"You fools, stop destroying stuff!" Yami yelled before destroying the wall behind him.

"Yami! You stop too!" [Name] sighed as she fixed the broken wall. She stood infront of the dented and broken part before extending her arms and closed her eyes.

'Tellus' Revamp.'

As soon as she whispered those words, the remnants on the ground start going back to their original spot, but [Name] let out a smile and put some decorations on it like a cemented rose.

"Ok do-"

'[Name], stop them!' The vice captain let out a huh before looking at Noelle and Asta who were on their battle position. Before they could attack each other, vines start wrapping around their limbs immobilizing the two of them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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