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"Yehey~! Exams are over, let's go and buy some food for the others!!" [Name] cheered as she hop on Terra who shared the same energy. Yami, Finral and Asta trail behind, obviously tired of waiting for the exams to be over.

"Yeah, your treat. You murdered my wallet." Yami sarcastically said as he turn around and lean on the wall, smoking as usual and to [Name]'s dismay. "I wonder where the two of them got their energy from?" Finral said as he watch them jump around, store to store leaving with a handful of bag.

"I saw the prices of each store! They are so expensive! Where did she get that money?!" Asta exclaim making Finral and Yami look at each other and laugh.

"Each Magic Knights receive money for their hard work. [Name]-chan happen to be the most responsible and diligent in the squad."

"And she earns money outside of her Magic Knight life"

"But I though- oof!" A stomach growl cut the discussion off as Asta held his stomach which a weird constipated look on his face.

"Now that it's all over, I got to take a shit!" Cue another stomach growl making him make a run towards the bathroom, but not without asking the Master of Bathroom himself.

""Where's the bathroom, Captain?!"

"Run down there and take the left. While choosing stall, go to the first one. It's the best one out of the others." Yami said with a smirk and gave him a thumbs up.

"Okay thanks!" Asta bend his knees and start running down in an incredible speed, leaving dust in his previous place.

"Okay, now I understand why [Name]-chan want him on our squad."

"'Cause he have stomach problems?"

"No! Because he's physically fit." Finral return his gaze where [Name] and Terra were but now they are out of sight.

"Don't tell me you lost them again?"

"They are so quick in buying something from store to store! How am I supposed to know?" Yami shrug and start walking down where Asta went.

"Yami-san, what about [Name]-chan and Noelle?!"

"They will find a way to go home, Terra's with [Name] and that girl will fetch Noelle for sure." Finral scratch his head and sigh, following behind Yami.


With [Name] and Terra....

"This one is Luck~! Ok, now to look gifts for Charmy-chan, Grey and Vanessa-chan... And then shopping~!" [Name] sang as she grab a pair of fighting gloves and put them on the shopping basket that is being carried by Terra. The Lion saw something and tug on her squad cape making her yelp and turn to him.

*I want this!* Terra childishly said as he point at a cute elephant stuff toy. [Name] giggle and pat the lion's head. "For a spirit elemental, you sure love to go shopping with me. Just to get some animal plush and food." She said as she reach the said toy and put it in the shopping cart.

It's full of two dozen of spicy ramen for Magna, novels and a cute girl plush that resembles Marie for Gauche, Luck's Gloves and Terra's stuff toy. She then spot the perfect thing for Charmy and smile in delight. She put them on Terra one by one and laugh.

"That's what I call a stepping stone."

*Haha, very funny. Now let's pay for all of these and go home?*

"Aw, alright. Maybe I'll buy stuff for the rest when I go to work tomorrow." The two quickly run towards the cashier, who look at them with a small smile on her face.

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