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A small version of Asta peeked his head behind the tree, looking at a girl who was creating some flower crown in the fields of flowers. He blushed when he saw her smiling at the blue butterfly that landed on her finger.

"Fly away little one!" She said as she extend her hand in the air, making the butterfly to fly away. "..." Bewitched by her beauty, little Asta picked out a flower on the ground and started running towards her. No way he is letting this pass since Yuno always try to beat him in impressing her, now is his chance.

"[S/L/N]-chan!" The [Hair Color] haired girl hummed and turn around to see Asta running towards her, a small [Color] flower in hand. He ran up to her, a toothy grin present on his face as he gave her the flower.

"What is this for Asta?"

"I picked a pretty flower! It reminds me of you." He gave her a closed eyed smile when suddenly...



"Asta-kun!" The ash-blonde opened his eyes, only to see [Name] looking down at him, a gentle look present on her face. "You are finally awake, I was starting to get worried." She was standing beside his bed along with Terra, her body slightly hovering over the still shocked boy. [Name] is wearing a loose blue t shirt beimng tucked in by a light blue high waisted shorts. Her hair in their usual french braid with a [Favorite Flower] flower crown on top.

"Is this still a dream? Or am I seeing an angel?" [Name] blushed and laugh it off, patting his head to wake him up from his sleepy state. "Flattery won't get you anywhere. Come on, you are with me today doing the chores." She said before going out of his room, not noticing her ears burning bright red.

'Well aren't you are smooth as fuck.' Terra said as Asta sat up on his bed and looked at the smirking lion lying on the floor.

"What do you mean?"

'Nothing. I swear half of the people in this squad are just plain dumb or super oblivious. Come on get up.' Terra let out a loud sigh when Asta just shrugged him off and indeed got ready.

'Did God just gave them one brain cell when it comes to love?' The lion rolled his eyes and got out of the room, in fear of getting the 'oblivious shits disease'.


"...you know, I'll be helping you with the laundry. You wash the boys' clothes while I'll wash the the girls' clothes. I can't have you freaking out every time." [Name] giggled as they entered the wild beasts' section.

Asta let out a laugh when he saw the graceful Shiro patiently waiting for him, as if she knew he would be incharge of the beasts section along with [Name].

"So the creatures here are special okay? Theh are hybrids that were being experimented by the Diamond and Spade Kingdom. Yami found them and thought that why not take them in for Terra like that." The vice captain said as she opened the fence and entered with Asta. Shiro let out a soft cry and jumped on Asta's shoulder making [Name] laugh.

"You already know Shiro, she is the oldest one around here." Terra let out a roar and started playing with a baby chimera and a baby phoenix. "Those two are the youngest and cutest. The phoenix is Luci." Luci let out a cry before climbing over the playful Terra and let out a happy chirp, the vice captain let out a giggle before pointing at the baby chimera who was trying to bit Terra's paw.

"And the chimera is Beel, do not be fooled by its small looks though. Trust me, he is the most glutton among these creatures." Asta hummed as he tried to register all of the information she is giving him.

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