"The void took Y/N."

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I slowly opened my eyes and groaned as I came to. My eyes opened fully before widening. I was in what looked to be an abandoned warehouse, alone and cold.

"Hello?" I called out.

"Hello! Help, anyone!" I screamed. I gulped as I got no response. I stood up, dusting myself off as I looked around. I shivered slightly, causing me to pull my jacket further around my body. I couldn't see anyone anywhere. I took a deep breath before starting to walk towards the door. Suddenly, a bright flash of light appeared in front of me, throwing me back and making me land with a thump and let out a groan.

"You didn't think I'd just leave you here, without any precautions?" I looked up and gulped as void Stiles walked into the warehouse, a smirk on his lips. He strolled to where I'd been pushed back and looked down at his feet. I followed his gaze and groaned internally as I noticed the circle of mountain ash trapping me. I stood up and studied it.

"The great thing about Stiles's girlfriend being a korrigan, is that they're the only other supernatural creature that's trapped by mountain ash, along with werewolves. So, you have no way out until I decide to let you out. And you will quite possibly be dead before I do that." He nodded, a smirk on his lips.

"Scott will find me. And he'll kill you." I nodded.

"That's the beauty of this. Because, no, he won't. Even if he finds you, he can't get to you, and he can't kill me without killing Stiles too." He smirked before starting to walk forward. He walked into the circle, breaking the trail of mountain ash but as soon as he was inside, he waved his hand over the gap, sealing the circle again. I gulped as he walked towards me, making me walk back to keep the distance between us. I cried out in pain as my back hit the edge of the circle, throwing me forward into his arms.

"Get off me." I spat, pushing against his grip.

"Not before I do this." He shrugged before pushing the needle into my neck and releasing the fluid into my blood. My eyes widened as I held my neck.

"What did you just inject me with?" I choked.

"Kanima venom. You should be completely paralysed in three, two, one..." he smirked. My eyes widened as I lost all feeling in my legs, making me collapse to the floor.

"I timed that perfectly." Void Stiles chuckled as he walked up to me. I choked as he knelt down beside me and gently cupped my cheek. I tried desperately to move away but the venom had paralysed my entire body.

"Don't worry. Scott will find you eventually. And when he does, he'll be added to the circle." He smirked before standing up and walking away, leaving me alone again.

Stiles's P.O.V

Stiles gasped as his eyes shot open. He panted heavily as he sat up. He looked around and gulped as he was in his bedroom, sat in his bed.

"How did I get here?" he mumbled to himself. He looked up and sighed in relief as Scott stormed in.

"Scott, thank god, it's me-." His eyes widened as Scott grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and hauled him up.

"What the-." He groaned as Scott pushed him up against the wall before grabbing two fistfuls of his shirt.

"Where is she?" he growled.

"Where's who, what are you-." Scott pulled Stiles forward slightly before pushing him back against the wall, making him groan.

"Don't lie to me, I know I'm speaking to the void, and I know you freaking took her." He spat.

"Scott, it's me, I swear on my life, you're talking to me." He choked. Scott looked at him.

"What did your mom call you?" he asked.

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