Saving Stiles

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"We have a way to save Stiles." Allison admitted. My eyes widened.

"What is it?" I choked. Allison, Scott, Lydia and Deaton looked at each other.

"Me and you. We go under." Scott nodded. I gulped.

"As in the bathtub of ice resulting in our temporary deaths under?" I asked.

"It's dangerous, Y/N, especially for you." Deaton nodded.

"Why?" I asked. He sighed.

"You need someone to be able to pull you back. Stiles is that person for you." He admitted. I nodded as tears pricked my eyes.

"Let's do it." I nodded. Their eyes widened.

"Y/N, Stiles won't be able to pull you out, which majorly increases your changes of staying dead." Scott scoffed.

"I have to." I shook my head.

"Stiles wouldn't want you to risk your life for him-."

"But he would for me." I choked. Scott sighed.

"If I had been taken by the void, and it was Stiles here instead of me, he would go under, even if it meant he could die. That's why I have to do this. I have to save him." I nodded. Scott sighed as he looked at the others.

"If she's okay to do it, what's stopping us?" Lydia asked.

"Nothing, I guess." Scott spoke.

"Okay. Let's do it then." Deaton nodded.

Isaac, Allison and Lydia filled the two steel tubs full of ice and water as Scott and I got ready. I took off my shoes and my jacket, leaving me in my dress. I walked up to void Stiles, who was still tied to the chair with the duct tape over his mouth. I bent down and peeled the duct tape away.

"Stiles, I know you're in there. We're going to save you, I promise." I nodded. Void Stiles smirked at me.

"You're really willing to risk death for a boy who wouldn't do the same for you?" he scoffed.

"He would, though. That's why I'm doing it." I nodded. He chuckled and shook his head.

"He doesn't love you, you know. He never did." He smiled.

"Y/N, don't listen to him." Scott spoke. I shook my head as I stared into void Stiles's eyes.

"He will defeat you. We will defeat you. Stiles, I'm coming for you baby." I reassured before leaning down and pressing our lips together. I closed my eyes and tried to memorise how his lips felt against mine. After all, it may be the last time I'd ever kiss him. I broke the kiss and stared into his whiskey eyes one last time before walking back to the tubs. I looked at Scott to see him pulling his shirt over his head before he looked at me.

"Are you sure you're ready to do this? Because once you go under..." Scott couldn't bring himself to say it. I sighed as I hugged him tightly, him returning it.

"Thank you. For everything." I nodded. He returned it, wiping away a tear as I pulled away.

"One last thing, Scott." I spoke.

"Yeah?" he asked. I took a shaky breath.

"This will work so if Stiles comes back and I don't...tell him I love him." I nodded, a tear escaping my eye. Another tear left Scott's as he nodded.

"You two ready?" Deaton asked.

"As ready as you can be when you're about to die." Scott nodded.

"Good luck." Deaton spoke. I gulped as I placed my hands on either side of the tub before dipping my foot in. I winced at how cold it was as I stepped in and started to sit down.

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