"Don't hurt him."

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Stiles's P.O.V

"No...please...don't let them in...please." Stiles slowly opened his eyes as he heard Y/N whimpering in her sleep. He looked at her and sighed as she had tears rolling down her face and she was glistening with sweat.

"Stiles...please..." she choked.

"Hey, hey, I'm here." He whispered, moving closer to her and gently shaking her in an attempt to wake her up. She remained asleep.

"Don't hurt him, please, I'll go with you." She cried, arching her back off the bed.

"Y/N, I'm here, you're okay." He reassured, gently cupping her cheek. His eyes widened as she suddenly gasped and her eyes shot open, revealing her red orbs.

"Y/N-." suddenly a surge of energy radiated from Y/N's body, sending Stiles flying back. His back collided with the wall and he fell to the ground as he coughed and spluttered. He gulped as he looked at Y/N to see her now relaxed and her head tilted towards him. He slowly stood up. Something was wrong, he just couldn't put his finger on what it was.

"Y/N?" he mumbled, walking towards the bed. He looked at her before leaning down so his cheek was above her lips. His eyes widened.

"Dad!" he yelled as he checked Y/N's pulse.

"What's wrong?" Stilinski asked as he appeared at the doorway.

"Y/N's not breathing." Stiles choked. His dad's eyes widened.

"Right, I'll grab the Sheriff car keys, you grab her, we need to take her to the hospital." He ordered. Stiles nodded before gently picking up Y/N bridal style and carrying her out of the house. He rushed to his dad's Sheriff car and climbed into the back with her. A tear fell from his eye and landed against her cheek as he tried to wake her up.

"Stiles, try to get her breathing, she won't survive the journey if you don't." his dad spoke. Stiles nodded and gulped before tilting her head back. He held her nose shut before pressing their lips together and blowing air into her lungs. He did it again but choked as she didn't respond.

"Dad, it's not working." He gulped.

"Keep trying, I'm going as fast as I can." Stilinski spoke. Stiles nodded as he pressed their lips together again and blew into her lungs again.

"She's still not breathing." he choked.

"It's a good thing we're at the hospital then." He nodded as he pulled up to the entrance. Stiles pushed the door open and quickly grabbed Y/N before running into the hospital.

"Help! Someone, I need help, my girlfriend isn't breathing!" he yelled, tears falling from his eyes. He sighed in relief as Melissa appeared.

"Melissa, please help her." He choked.

"We're going to do everything we can." She reassured as she waved over a stretcher. Stiles gently placed Y/N on it and Melissa placed an oxygen mask over her nose and mouth before starting to wheel her towards the lift. They got in and Melissa pressed the button so the doors closed.

"Is she going to be okay?" Stiles choked quietly. Melissa looked at him and sighed.

"Yeah. But I need to know if there is anything supernatural behind this." She nodded. Stiles returned it.

"I think so. I woke up to her whimpering or something, she was having a nightmare like I have, a really bad one. I tried to wake her up, and when she did wake up, her eyes were red and this sort of...energy, came from her. It was so powerful that it knocked me back, and it almost killed her." He explained, another tear falling from his eye. Melissa nodded as the lift doors opened and she rolled Y/N out. Suddenly, Y/N gasped and her eyes shot open, her orbs red again. Stiles's eyes widened.

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