The nogitsune takes over

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Y/N's P.O.V

I stood at my locker, sifting through my work. I smiled as I felt someone snake their arms around my waist, and land their hands against my stomach.

"Hey." Stiles smiled, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Hey, you." I returned as I shut my locker before turning around in his arms. He smiled, looking at my lips as he leant down and gently kissed me. I returned it, holding his face.

"About freaking time." We broke the kiss and looked to the side. My eyes widened as Scott, Allison, Lydia and Isaac all stood there. I looked at Stiles as he looked at me.

"Wait, you guys knew that this was coming?" Stiles spoke, squinting his eyes.

"Stiles, honey, it was obvious from day one." Lydia nodded.

"Well then." I chuckled.

"Anyway, we need to catch you guys up." Allison nodded, starting to walk towards the library. We looked at each other again.

"Catch us up on what?" I asked as I pulled Stiles along.

"The nogitsune." Scott spoke as we went to a table and dumped our stuff onto it.

"What the hell is a nogitsune? We were fighting a void the last time that I checked." Stiles scoffed.

"A nogitsune is the official name for it." Lydia nodded.

"So, what is it? What are we facing?" I asked, sitting next to Stiles.

"My father has seen this before. A nogitsune is a Japanese spirit, it's a kitsune spirit turned bad. It was summoned thousands of years ago and has been around ever since, unfortunately for us." Allison sighed.

"And it likes possessing people. It usually goes for the weakest link." Isaac nodded, making us all look at Stiles. His face dropped.

"Wow, thanks, guys, that's great." He nodded.

"Stiles, it's nothing personal, it's just that you lost your mom and you have anxiety." Scott winced.

"So? Scott, your dad isn't here, Lydia is a banshee and so regularly finds dead people, Isaac's parents are both dead, Allison's mom and aunt are dead, and her grandfather is a psychopath, Y/N's parents had her institutionalised because they thought that she had schizophrenia, I'm pretty sure that we're all weak in some aspects." He scoffed.

"You left out the fact that we're all supernatural, but you're not. You don't have a defence." I sighed. He looked at me.

"I have my bat-."

"Stiles, we're only trying to protect you. We're the only humans but I have my weapons and my dad, so it's going to be easiest for the nogitsune to get to you." Allison spoke. He sighed and nodded.

"Y/N, when it had you pinned to the wall, did you get any visions or anything?" Scott asked.

"I thought that pinning her to the wall was Stiles's job." Isaac smirked.

"Good sex joke, thanks." Stiles smiled sarcastically, holding up his thumb.

"Actually, yeah I did. But it wasn't like a normal vision, it was hazy and blurred, which has never happened before." I nodded.

"Is that a good or a bad thing?" Lydia asked. I sighed.

"Since it's never happened before, I don't know. But I'm willing to bet that it's not good." I sighed.

"Okay. Well, at least that's a start." Scott nodded. I returned it before looking at my watch.

"Crap, I have English. See you guys later." I spoke, standing up and grabbing my bag.

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