Controlling Y/N's powers

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I rushed into Stiles's room to see him sitting on his bed.

"Stiles, are you okay?" I panted as he stood up and walked to me.

"I'm fine." He nodded. My eyebrows furrowed as I dug out my phone and looked at the message that he'd sent me.

""Get here now, urgent". If you're fine, what's this?" I asked, showing him the message. He smiled at me sheepishly before taking my phone and putting it on his bed before taking my hands in his.

"Before I tell you, remember how much you love me, remember how my pretty little face lightens up your life and how my sarcastic little remarks make you laugh, okay?" he asked, biting his lip. My eyebrows furrowed.

"What have you done?" I asked. He sighed before looking past me. I followed his gaze and my eyes widened as Scott, Allison, Lydia and Isaac walked in.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"We're here to help you learn how to control your powers." Scott admitted. My eyes widened as I looked at Stiles. He gulped.

"Remember how much you love me-."

"You son of a bitch." I spat.

"I know baby, I'm sorry, but you need to learn." He winced.

"The last time I tried to learn, I put my own father in the hospital, you knew that, Stiles." I yelled, tears forming in my eyes.

"Hey, hey." He spoke, gently taking my face in his hands. I looked down.

"You can do incredible things. You can see into the future, which, by the way, has saved lives. You've seen my past. You could even kill me if you wanted to, which I'm not gonna put past you right now since you probably do want to kill me after this, but you get my point." He chuckled. I looked up at him.

"I don't want to hurt anyone." I choked.

"You won't. Look, if anyone gets hurt, I'll make sure it's me, because hunters are coming and I'd rather I be hurt and you know how to protect yourself against them in case they come for you." He nodded.

"I wouldn't though." I mumbled.

"Babe, I love you, but you're outvoted. All of us think that you should do this." He spoke. I sighed.

"Okay." I gulped.

"That's my girl." He smiled, gently kissing my head before letting me go.

"What are we starting with?" Lydia asked.

"How about me looking into people's futures and pasts?" I asked.

"Okay, who's willing to let Y/N look into their past?" Stiles asked. Everyone looked around, no one coming forward.

"Oh, come on, guys, we're doing this to help her, she's one of our own." He scoffed. Lydia sighed and stepped forward.

"I'll go." She nodded.

"Thanks, Lydia." I smiled. She returned it before sitting on the bed, her legs crossed. I sat opposite her and crossed my legs too.

"Hands, please." I spoke, putting out my hands. She placed hers into mine as I held them.

"You've got this." Lydia whispered, giving me a small smile. I returned it and took a deep breath before closing my eyes.

I gasped as my eyes shot open and I panted heavily.

"Woah, you okay?" Lydia gulped as she let go of my hands.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just, it kinda takes it out of me, using my power." I chuckled slightly, making her give me a reassuring smile.

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