"What have I done?"

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Stiles's P.O.V

Stiles's eyes shot open and he gasped as he shot up. He panted heavily as he looked around. His eyebrows furrowed as he was back in his room. He grabbed his phone and dialled Y/N's number.

"Hey, it's Y/N, please leave a message and I'll-."

"Goddammit." Stiles choked as he hung up and got out of bed. He quickly got some clothes on and grabbed his jeep keys before rushing out of his room.

Stiles ran up the path to Y/N's house and hammered on the door. It opened to reveal Y/N's dad, whose eyes widened at him.

"Get the hell off my property." He spat, making Stiles's eyes widen.

"I'm sorry, what?" he scoffed.

"Stiles, leave me and my family alone, you've caused enough damage." He snapped.

"Mr Y/L/N, I have no idea what you're talking about-."

"What I'm talking about is you stabbing my daughter." He spat. Stiles's eyes widened even further.

"What?" he choked. Y/N's dad sighed and looked down.

"She almost died because of what you did. So, you stay away from her." He nodded. Stiles choked as he started to walk away from the house.

"I'm going to go see her at the hospital." He nodded.

"Stiles, I'm warning you, don't go near Y/N." he threatened. Stiles looked at him.

"Sir, I love her. I can't stay away from her." He admitted, a tear leaving his eye as he climbed back into his jeep.

Stiles ran into the hospital and looked around. He rushed to the front desk, where Melissa was. She looked at him and her eyes widened.

"Get the hell out-."

"It's me, Melissa, the real me." He gulped.

"Prove it." She spat.

"My mom used to call me mischief before she died when I was 10." He stated. Melissa sighed and looked at him.

"I assume you're wanting to see Y/N, who the other, extremely evil you nearly killed." She spoke.

"That's the one." He gulped. She sighed again before moving around the reception desk.

"Follow me." She nodded. He returned it before following her down the hall and into the elevator. He gulped as the doors closed.

"Whatever the hell you're possessed with is wreaking havoc." Melissa mumbled.

"I know." Stiles sighed as the doors opened.

"Second door on the right." Melissa spoke.

"Thank you, Melissa, so much." He nodded as he rushed out. He looked through the window that looked into Y/N's hospital room and his eyes widened as he rushed in. Scott looked up and his eyes widened as he stood up.

"Stiles?" he asked.

"It's me, it's me." He nodded. Scott looked at him.

"What did your mom used to call you?" he asked. Stiles looked down.

"Mischief." He nodded. Scott returned it before hugging him tightly.

"You've been wreaking havoc, dude." He sighed. Stiles nodded before looking at Y/N, who was unconscious in the hospital bed.

"Did I do that?" he choked. Scott sighed.

"Technically, but we all know it was the void, and not you." He reassured.

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