The disappearing boy

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Stiles, Scott and I sat in the library, doing work and studying.

"I'm just saying, it's impossible to read that much in three days." Stiles shrugged.

"Babe, it's a single chapter, it's totally possible to read it in three days." I chuckled.

"Yeah, that's not a big ask." Scott scoffed. Stiles rolled his eyes and chuckled as his phone buzzed. He looked at it and his eyebrows furrowed.

"What is it?" I asked.

"A kinda weird text from my dad." He nodded, holding his phone.

"What does it say?" Scott asked.

"Got a situation at station, need you, Scott and Y/N here asap." He read out before looking at us. I gulped as I looked at Scott.

"That sounds kinda ominous." I nodded.

"Yeah. Looks like we better get there, and see what we can do." Scott spoke. Stiles nodded and grabbed his stuff before standing up, Scott and I following suit.

Stiles, Scott and I walked into the sheriff's station and headed to Stilinski's office. Stiles opened the door and we walked in.

"Hey dad." Stiles nodded. Stilinski gave us a small smile as Scott shut the door. I looked at the sofa and my eyebrows furrowed as a boy sat on it.

"What's going on?" Scott asked, looking at Stilinski. He nodded to the boy.

"This brave little guy is Alex. He was in a little car accident, but his parents are missing because of it, and we're not entirely sure what happened." Stilinski nodded.

"Who are they?" Alex asked timidly, looking at us.

"This is my son, Stiles, and his friends, Y/N and Scott. They're going to help us figure out what happened." He spoke before looking at Stiles. He nodded before sitting down next to the boy.

"Hey, Alex, I'm Stiles, it's nice to meet you." He smiled.

"Nice to meet you too." Alex nodded.

"Now, can you tell me what happened to your parents?" Stiles asked. Alex sighed.

"I already told the sheriff, the men with the horses took them." He gulped. Stiles squinted his eyes and looked at me and Scott.

"Tell me more about the men with horses." He nodded. Alex gulped and looked down.

"We were just driving along, and my mom suddenly started screaming and my dad stopped the car. Then, the windows blew out, the men took my parents, and then they were just gone." He choked, looking down.

"It's okay, you're safe." Stiles reassured, wrapping a reassuring arm around the boy's shoulder.

"Do you have a picture of your parents, Alex?" Scott asked. He nodded and dug out his phone before clicking on something. He showed Stiles the photo, making his eyebrows furrow as he took the phone.

"Nice photo, right guys?" he asked, showing us. Our eyebrows furrowed too as it was just a photo of Alex by himself, but he only took up a fraction of the screen as if someone else had also once been in the photo.

"Okay, Alex. Y/N is gonna talk to you now, okay?" Stiles asked.

"Okay." Alex nodded. Stiles returned it and stood up before walking to me.

"You know what to do." He whispered, making me nod and sit down next to Alex.

"Hey, Alex. I've got a cool little trick which I'm going to try out. But I need to take your hands, is that okay?" I asked. He nodded as he put his hands into mine.

"Thank you. This'll only take a minute, and it might feel a bit odd, but you're okay." I reassured.

"Alright." He gulped. I nodded and gave him a small smile before taking a deep breath and letting my eyes flutter shut.

I gasped and my eyes shot open as I dropped Alex's hands.

"Are you okay?" Alex gulped. I nodded and gave him a small smile.

"I'm okay, don't worry." I reassured before standing up. I gulped as I walked to Scott, Stiles and Stilinski.

"So?" Stilinski asked.

"He's telling the truth." I admitted.

"What?" Stiles scoffed. I sighed and shook my head.

"What I saw, is exactly how he described it. I was in the car with them. It suddenly stops, and his mom starts screaming erratically. Then all of the windows blow out and men on horses grab his parents. Next thing, complete silence. As if nothing at all happened." I shook my head. The guys sighed as they looked at each other.

"So, what are we looking at here?" Stilinski asked.

"I don't know. But whatever it is, it's extremely dangerous. The photo that Alex showed us was just him, but he saw it as a photo of him and his parents." I spoke. Stiles and Scott looked at each other.

"Whatever it is, we need to figure this out." Scott nodded.

"For now, he'll be in here, where he's safe, because he seems to think that whatever took his parents is coming back for him." Stilinski nodded.

"Okay. I'll stay with him, you two figure out what's happening." Stiles spoke.

"Will do. See you later, dude." Scott spoke as he opened the door.

"See you later." Stiles spoke before gently kissing me.

"Keep yourself out of danger." I nodded.

"Course." He smiled, making me return it as Scott and I left Stilinski's office.

Stiles's P.O.V

Stiles stood in the station's kitchen, making himself a coffee and Alex a juice. He picked up the mugs before heading back through the station. He put them on Parish's desk before going to open the door to his dad's office. His eyebrows furrowed as it was locked.

"What the..." he mumbled, trying to open it.

"Does anyone have the keys for my dad's office?" he called out, making everyone look at him. Suddenly, he heard a crash from inside the office. He whipped back around and his eyes widened as some of the ceiling came crashing down, letting in a beam of light and making leaves swirl through the hole and into the office.

"Alex!" he yelled, making Alex run to the door.

"Help me!" Alex cried.

"I'm going to, but I need you to unlock the door." Stiles nodded.

"It won't open." he gulped, jolting the doorknob.

"Try harder, buddy, break it if you have to." Stiles encouraged, also jolting the doorknob as hard as he could. Stiles's eyes widened as suddenly a man on a horse appeared behind Alex.

"Help! I need help!" Stiles yelled.

"Help me!" Alex screamed.

"Hold on, Alex, I'm gonna get you out of there!" Stiles shouted before hammering his elbow against the window, trying to break it.

"Someone freaking help me!" he screamed, looking at the cops littered around the station.

"Stiles, what's going on, there's no one in there." Parish scoffed.

"Of course there is, he's right-." He turned around and his eyes widened.

"Alex?" he yelled out as the office was now empty and the ceiling was back in tact. He looked down and gulped as he turned the doorknob, making the door click open. He slowly walked in and looked around. Not a trace of Alex, or the man on the horse was left.

"How is that possible?" he whispered. His eyes widened.

"Oh my god." He choked before rushing out of the office.

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