back to hell

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pain, the only word to describe the agony of which 14-year-old willow Jones is currently enduring. at the age of 4, she lost her mother to a death eater attack. her father was a mess. he solely blames her for his wife's death. he continuously abuses her. willow has found a way to cope with this pain. cutting. she had never intended to stoop this low, but desperate time call for desperate measures.

willow was sitting staring out her bay window. her mother had ensured that she received this window for her birthday 10 years ago. willow couldn't be happier. her tear-stained cheeks reflecting off the elegant glass of the window. and her small fragile frame pressing gently against the wood of the railing. she wanted nothing more than to stop her never-ending pain. in a few hours, she would be returning to her boarding school.  and she hated it. she could never catch a break. her long black hair and hazel blue eyes were not hard to miss. and that meant she was very prone to bullying by the group called the Marauders. she has never had a friend. only once has anyone talked to her, and when they found out who she was they immediately left her.  she sat pondering on how she was going to hide the bruises and scars that littered her body. She could always use a glamour charm but she couldn't do that until she reached the platform. That was the least of her problems, her main concern was the group of four boys that called themselves the "marauders". willow couldn't understand why, but for some reason, the four boys hated her guts. She couldn't recall a time when she had disturbed or interfered with the boys so couldn't see any reason as to why they had taken to bullying her. after a few short months, her frame was skinnier than before.  Her face had matured and contained fewer freckles. Boy how fun this year was going to be

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