Back to Hogwarts

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after the Christmas holidays, nothing much interesting happened. they all went off to Hogwarts, did their classes, played quidditch, and talked about useless crap. the first Hogsmeade weekend was fast approaching and everyone was excited. well everyone except Willow

"Hey why aren't you coming willow?" asked Sirius

"I can't Sirius. I never got my permission slip signed" said willow

"WHAT" was the unison reply from, James, Remus, Ruby, and Charli

"Did you ever  ask your father?" asked James

"Yeah, I asked him all break for the last 2 years. he just...... didn't get around to it" said willow

Sirius' concern began to grow. he had assumed many things about willows life. About the way, he never mentioned her family. Or the howler she received a few months prior. in fact, Sirius had heard many things about the jones family, none of which were very pleasant. given the fact that he hadn't know willow for that long, he never thought about it much. but now he was getting concerned. Sirius new abuse. his case was more mental and verbal, his parents had never physically hurt him. however he didn't know about willow. he hoped that she wasn't being hurt when she went home. he pushed the thought to the back of his brain and made a mental note to speak with her about this matter later

"Well then. let's do it the marauder way" said Sirius

"Excuse me. I don't feel like ding a painful and slow death thank you very much" said willow

"Im offended you think I would kill you. what's the fun in that" Said Sirius

a small smile formed on willows lips. sirius had changed, that she knew. and she liked this new sign of him. 'oh crap butterflies again. why the actual hell. Sirius Black is an ass. never going to happen. curse me' she thought

"Well, what do you expect me to think. there are 2 methods to everything the normal method, and the marauder method. and the marauder method is normally the most painful"

"Well not today," Said James

"Heres the plan," said Sirius


(time-skip by a lazy reader. im to lazy to put the day events in here because I have writer's block lol forgive me please)

after getting back from Hogsmeade everyone was exhausted. willow made no effort and just flopped on the couches in the common room.

"That was fun," she said

"Told ya you were missing out," Said Sirius sitting down

"I still don't like the fact that you broke school rules though," said Remus

"Next years prefect everyone, Remus lupin, congratulations," said ruby

"Well I still can't get over James and Lilly in the three broomsticks," said charli

"I especially liked the part how you got all the three broomsticks roped in," said Remus

"Okay in my defense, I think she thoroughly enjoyed it," said James proudly

"I think you were looking at the wrong Lilly mate," said Sirius, trying hard not to laugh but failing miserably

"Guys have any of you seen peter," asked willow

"He's been a bit distant lately hasn't he," asked James

"Who feels like a peter hunt," said willow

everyone except ruby and charli out there hands up

"Oh come on girls, you tell me I need to lighten up. it'll be fun. besides, maybe we can figure out why he is being so sketchy" said willow

"But who will stay and look after midnight," said ruby dramatically

"Oh come on, she's fast asleep on your bed. and if I say so I could make her tear apart your sheets quicker than you could say Godric Gryffindor" said willow

"Okay, okay im moving. you in charli" asked ruby

"Argh, fine. only because I don't want to be here alone. I hate to say it but you guys make shit interesting" said charli

"Thank you, we do try," said James and Sirius. they must have practiced this before.

we walked the halls for aa good twenty minutes before we thought about giving up

"Where is he. everyone's back already" said Sirius in frustration

"Shut it," said Willow. she could hear voices coming from the corridor on the other side of the wall.

"I hear him. but he's with someone else" said willow

she looked around the corner to see peter with Bellatrix black and Rudolphus Lestrange.

"I can't believe that I have to keep putting on my week exterior. there to daft to even notice" said peter

"When Voldemort needs followers he is going to want to get to the potters. you need to keep being friends with him" said Bellatrix

"especially that other potter sister. Voldemort made sure to deposit of her because he knew she would run his plans" said Rudolphus

judging by everyone else silence willow assumed she wasn't the only one who heard because James fists clenched. before an argument broke out willow pushed everyone back to the Gryffindor common room.

"James what was that about," asked Remus as they entered the common room

"Nothing," said James

"You had a sister and you didn't even tell us," said Sirius offended

"Oh lay off him," said willow making everyone shut up

"Yes James had a sister, and yes she probably is still alive but it doesn't matter. would you want to talk about your sister who was taken away when you were a bloody toddler. I don't think so. so leave him alone"

"You knew," said James

"Your mum was talking to me on Christmas night. I know what it's like to lose a sister. its sucks. it feels like a part of your soul has been torn out. and I understand why you didn't tell anyone" said willow while taking a seat on the sofa.

"But that's not the problem. the problem is peter" said willow again.

"Willow, Ruby, Charli you are now officially honorable marauders," said James

"We officially relinquish our friendship with peter and remove him from our friend circle," said Sirius

"Should we ask about maybe getting peter switched out of our dorm?" asked Remus

"I'll go talk to Dumbledore first thing tomorrow morning," said James

"I'll go with him," said willow

'Why" asked James

"You could always use a friend to support your argument. besides what peter did wasn't right. and he would have to listen to what I have to say" willow shrugged

"Thank you said, James

"You have nothing to thank me for," said willow

"Race you to the library," said willow again

"Why the library" Called Sirius

"Because its the closest," said willow running out of the common room

"This girl," said James running after her.

"Remind me again why we are friends with her" Asked lupin

"Because we love her," said, Sirius

"More like you love her" mumbled Remus

Thankfully Sirius didn't hear it. Remus didn't feel like an argument

"And she's our best friend" said the twins in unison



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