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the lead up to Christmas was great. many games of quidditch, and ALOT of arguments later it was Christmas morning. these were always the days where I couldn't sleep in. christmas was just filled with too much excitement.

I wasn't the only one who couldn't sleep. across the corridor were 3 very excited teenage boys. surprisingly ruby and charli were able to sleep. I mean how can anyone sleep on Christmas. it's one of the best days of the year.

I looked over at her alarm clock to see that the time was 6 am. there was no way that the boys were asleep. they get excited when there is pudding for dessert. there probably up talking to each other, to be honest. if they were asleep then I would be very surprised.

I didn't have to wait long until 3 very excited boys barged through the door, waking up 2 very tired, and scared girls

"Seriously boys, there's this new thing, its called nocking," said charli

"Maybe you should try it," said ruby while throwing a pillow at Sirius's face.

"ITS CHRISTMAS" screams James

"Thanks for telling us something we didn't know," I said

"what the hell willow. you knew that was going to happen didn't you"

"I mean I didn't know for sure but its Christmas what do you expect," I say

after a very long argument over privacy and the horrible hour of which "2 girls of our caliber could have used the extra time for beauty sleep", we were all making our way down to the living room for Christmas morning

"good morning fleamont and Euphemia," I say

"Good morning willow dear. I take it you slept well, you don't look nearly as startled as poor ruby and charli over there" said Euphemia.

I look over to see a very angry set of twins glaring daggers into the back of my head. I sheepishly smile in their direction and turn my attention back to Euphemia

"I did thanks. it might've helped had they woken up before the boys barged into our bedroom screaming" I say

"Ah, James seems to have a habit. we had hoped that when he grew older it would ware off, but when has anything ever applied to James" said fleamont

"Hey let me enjoy my childhood while I can," says James in his defense


After a delicious breakfast of pancakes and toast for everyone else except myself, who only had an apple everyone had made there way over to the tree

"Willow are you, okay dear. you haven't eaten a lot all holidays" asks Euphemia

"im fine thanks, I just don't eat an awful lot" I say trying to dismiss her concern as politely as possible.

after making our way to the couch I took a seat at the base in between everyone else. I watched as James took this turn to pass around his presents for everyone

"Willow this is from me," says James handing me the gift.

"James you didn't have to," I say

"Well too bad because I did. besides, you deserve it"

I take the gift from James and unfolded the wrapping. I find a large box with a brand name that I can't quite make out. I look around to see everyone's smirking faces. ruby and charli looked really happy

"You guys know what in here don't you," I say

they don't reply but each and everyone gives me a knowing look

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