Goodbye mum

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Chapter 7
(Updated picture of Hannah)

20 more minuets. Willow was seated staring at the clock. She still had 20 miserable miniuts left of history of magic. If that wasn't enough the marauders were sending her death glares whenever they could. Willow had a sneaky suspicion that it was because she came to class late and didn't get introuble. But she had a viable excuse. The marauders didn't seem to care though. Honestly they never cared though. Her next class was Care if magical creatures, while ruby and charli had muggle studies. What terrified willow the most was that the marauders also took that class . That means 80 whole miniuts of them. Normally it wouldn't scare her, but this time they had a motive. With ruby and charli following her at every chance they got, the marauders could never get to her. Don't get her wrong. She loved it, she had 2 friends that meant the world to her. And she wouldn't be going home for Christmas. So she could spend all the time she liked here. But still.

As the bell rang signaling the end of class willow bid fairwell to ruby and Charli and made her way down to care of magical creatures. Today's lesson would be on thestrals. willow had always been able to see the thestrals. They were her sort of comfort at hogwarts before ruby and charli came along. She would always go visits them when she needed to escape the world ( and or the marauders take your pick).

She made her way from the castle into the edge of the Forrest. She was one of the last ones there. She slid herself in with the Hufflepuffs. Hoping not to be seen by the marauders.

Thankfully the class had started before those dung bags decided to show up.

"Now class today we will be looking at thestrals" announced professor grubby plank while pointing at the thestrals stood behind them

"Sir there's nothing there" pointed out lupin. At least he wasn't being dumb.

"That's because you can't see it" i said . Drawing the classes attention to me

" only those who have seen death can truely see them. Otherwise you might as well try looking into thin air" I said once again

"Well done mrs Jones 20 points to Gryffindor for your amazing knowledge"

Lupin looked at me shocked. Maybe it was because I knew something he didn't or maybe he just was shocked that I knew what they were. Who knows

"Mrs Jones can you see them"

"Yes professor" I replied

The whole class let out a gasp. Geese guys is it that hard to understand that I'm a human as well

"If you don't mind me asking, who I'm your life has passed" asked the professor

"My mum sir, she was killed by an escaped death eater when I was four. He was angry at her for imprisoning him" I replied the last part Almost at a whisper

"I am sorry for your loss mrs Jones. I award another 10 points to Gryffindor for you outstanding bravery"

I looked up to see the marauders looking at me with.... pitty. Was I seeing correctly. I saw lupin a face soften into a sort of worried expression. I'm taking that they didn't know I lived with only my father.

"I will be assigning partners for the following task. You will need to research as much information as you can about a thestral and write a 7 inch essay about what you learnt".

"Lupin and Jones" oh you've got to be kidding me. Oh well it could be worse. I could be with black.

Lupin picked up his bag and made his way over to me and took a seat on the opposite rock.

We sate i silence for the rest of the lesson taking down the notes that professor grubby plank was saying. The only thing I noticed was that he kept sending me pitying looks.

I kept ignoring him and continued to get the notes down

Why was lupin suddenly so worried about me.

When the lesson finished I quickly packed up my quill and ink and made my way back to the castle for lunch hoping not to see the marauders till my next class

Hey guys. So creativity struck me just before I was about to go to bed so I'm finishing this now. I'm actually very proud of this chapter. Please review vote and comment

Also update should be back to normal soon when exams finish

Bye guys ❤️❤️

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