First day back

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willow woke up on September second with a very hard pillow being thrown at her head. She looked over to see charli cracking herself with laughter over willows dazed expression. Geez that girl would make a good beater. Reluctantly  willow rolled out of bed, literally. She fell bum first on the ground. If it were even possible Charli laughed so hard she looked like she was going to explode. Ruby (being the kind hearted almost Hufflepuff she was) offered willow a hand and she thankfully took it. Knowing that she didn't have to shower she dashed to the bathroom to change from her pajamas to her uniform.

Thankfully it was the first day of classes and teachers wouldn't be as strict, if we were late. Charli, being charli took her time getting ready. Ruby and willow spent 20 minuets throwing a quaffle around the dorm room, until they got bored and willow hexed the water cold.

Charlie's scream echoed through the room, and the duo took this time to make a run for it to the common room willow being a clutz tripped down the second stair and belly slid to the common room floor. The girls had no time to enjoy there epic fail of making a home run. Sitting there on the common room couches were 4 scrawny boys staring directly at the duo sprawled out at the bottom of the stairs.

Oh shit

The evil smirk planted in black and potters faces. Lupin once again had his head planted in a book and peter was just sitting there as a follower.

"Jones why do you always have to ruin our day, just by your presence" said potter

"We didn't ask for u to be here. So we'll just be going our seperate ways" replied ruby. They started heading out the door before black, or more commonly known as douchbag number two block the enterence of the common room. Why does he always have to do this

"You see cute stuff...and Jones, we can't allow that to happen. You've interrupted our very valuable marauder time. And that deserves a punishment"

Go away black
"I think your forgetting one thing boys. There's one of us missing" replied ruby with a smirk on her face

" what do you..."

He didn't get to finish his sentence before a very angry charli stomped down the stairs


" considering you spent 30 minutes in the shower you actually look pretty decent" replied ruby

" hey, I have a reputation to maintain I can't just come to a new school and not make a good first impression"
All argument forgotten

"Nice to see you to hot stuff number two" replied black

" oh it's you four what a pleasure " replied charli sarcastically

"What do you want now"

"They want to make my life a living hell. You kinda missed that conversation on the train" said willow Hannah

"Precisely know we only want Jones so you two can just go on your way...

" no way in hell. You have to go through all 3 of us before you touch willow" said ruby and charli in unison. Must be a twin thing

"um guys, hate to break it to you but we have 15 minutes to eat breakfast, get our timetables and make it to class"

Oh so know Lupin decides to open his mouth and say something. Just amazing

"This isn't over Jones"

It sure is potter

The four boys made there way out of the portrait hole.

"Well that was close," said ruby

"Guys unless you feel like missing classes than we should race and grab our timetable before breakfast finishes" willow  said whilst making there way outa the Common room

"What about breakfast" said Charlie

Give it to her to think about food

" well have to have double lunch. Just hold on for 2 more hours yelled Hannah whilst running outa the common room

but what they didn't know was that willow had no intention to have any lunch, she had no intention to have food at all

Hey guys Charlotte here what do you think. This was a rushed job and I'll probably go back and edit it tomorrow or something.
I really want to thank Addisonamy for her support on both my stories.  She has a very similar story about the marauders so go check it out

Hope you enjoy reading it

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