Sirius black never scare me like that

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Picture above is ruby and willow

Willow POV

"Charli get your pillow away from me before I shove a stick down your throat" I said

"Oh come on willow, lighten up" said ruby

"Ruby it's 7 bloody am. And it's Christmas break I'd rather sleep"

"Oh come on, we can go wake the boys up"

With that thought I was out of my bed and grabbing my clothes

"Maybe we should use that more often" charli whispered to ruby

"Meh, it's not really fair on her behalf"

A few minuits later later I was out of the bathroom and in a red sweater and black leggings

"Willow, your legs. There so skinny" says ruby

I look down and notice they are even smaller than I remember.

"Umm yeah. I'm just small" curse my ability to make a lie on the spot

"Anyway I know the boys are up" I say

"How did you know"

"There playing quidditch on the field" I say pointing to the window

"Boys and there quidditch"

I make my way over to the window and open it to see Sirius slip of his broom. A look of terror crosses my face and I see Sirius smirk in my direction while gracefully landing on his own to feet

"Ah good morning girls" said Sirius

"Sirius black, never scare me like that again" I say

"Oh so you care about me" he says

I blush and turn away. Curse these feelings. I don't know why I always have this ass reaction when I'm around Sirius. We are just friends and nothing more.

"Good morning James, Remus. How did you sleep" says ruby

"Pretty good actually" said James

"Speak for yourself" said Sirius and Remus in unison

"Excuse me" said James

"Oh don't even go there. We all know you snore  like a bloody giant" said Sirius

"Says mr I can't sleep so I'm gonna sneak out and pretend I never left" said James

"Hey for your information I went to get a glass of water" said Sirius

"Boys and there arguing" said Remus

"You can't talk" said all 5 of us in unison

"Well I'm clearly part of the higher species"

Before Remus can even continue his sentence a bucket of water goes flying to his face and drenched him with water.

"It stays there for when dunderheads with big egos decide to contradict logic" I say

"Willow jones have you looked at Sirius" says Remus whilst removing his sweater to ring it out

"It might come as a shock to you but at this time his ego doesn't expand to space" I say

"Fancy a game" said James

"Nah you guys look like your having fun without us to intrude"

"Oh please" says Sirius

"Maybe later" I say

"At least come and watch" says James

"Fine. Give us a Minuit and we'll come down"

The rest of the morning revolved around quidditch swimming and an epic game of hide and seek that, not to brag or anything, I clearly won.

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