Christmas preparations

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The few weeks leading up to Christmas passed in a blur. With homework and exams, the last thing on everyone's mind was Christmas 🎄. Well, all except James.

Everyone knows that James has an adiction for Christmas. Almost as much as he loves quidditch. When James has found out that we were staying at hogwarts, he was shocked. No way in hell was he not going to stay here with us. Actually he came up with something better. He invited not one, not two, but 5 of his friends to spend Christmas at his house. Sirius was estatic. And Ruby and CHarli were grateful. But I felt bad. I didn't want to intrude

James assured her that it wasn't a problem. I had accepted (with a lot of convincing), but still couldn't get rid of the overwhelming feeling that she would ruin Christmas.

Peter would be staying over at his house and then off to France for the holidays.

The entire gang was walking from the great hall back to the common room. Well all except Sirius and peter.

Sirius hadn't been seen Since breakfast and peter, well who cares. Peter has been acting very odd lately. And he just seems suspicious.

I don't know. It's probably nothing.

We walk into the common room to see Sirius seated in the couch with.... summer bird blue in his hands. The hell. Sirius is reading

"Willow I think you broke Sirius" said Remus

"What have you do to him. He never reads" said James

"I don't know" I say. In all honesty I don't. I never knew he read. Well there's a first for everything. Especially Sirius black

I walk up to him and snatch the book out of his hands

"Hey" he said

"Well it's my book" I ask in my defence

"That I'm reading" he says

"Here" I say and chuck him the book back

"Thankyou" he said. Sitting back down on the couch

"Come in Sirius get your head out of the book. Come to the quidditch pitch with us,girls against boys"

"Fine, As long as you tell me where you find your books. There bloody amazing"

A smile forms on my look. Sirius black actually interested in reading. Wow, I'm actually shocked

"Fine" I say

We all make our way down to the quidditch pitch. Ruby and Remus as the chasers, Sirius and charli as the keepers. And me and James as the seekers. As this isn't a full game we aren't going to have beaters because it isn't safe.

I mean James normally plays chaser, but today he was playing seeker for the sake of the game.

The games starts with charli grabbing the ball and shooting 5 consecutive goals

10 miniuts into the game the scores stand 100 to 50 the girls. Suddenly I see a shimmer of light just above James head and I make a five for it. James only realising I had made a move, made to dive for it but it was to late, I had the snitch clasped securely around my hand.

"Where the hell did you learn to play quidditch like that" said James

"I guess I inherited it" I say

"Well that was impressive, have you three ever thought about joining the quidditch team, there are some spots available next year" said James hopefully

"Maybe I say" walking off to put my broom back in the shed

Once I put my broom back in my locker I close it and see Sirius black standing directly in front of the opposite locker

"Your a mysterie, you know that right Jones" said Sirius

"Depends who's asking" I say winking and walking off. I walk out of the lockers and make my way back to the castle

Closely followed by everyone else.

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