A....Sister ?

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Willow POV

It's been a few weeks,but I'm really starting to enjoy the marauders company. Ruby and charli have still been amazing friends, but it's been great hanging out with the marauders. I still can believe we solved our differences.

"Hey Willow" Sirius said sitting down next to me

" Hey Sirius" I say not taking my eye off my book

"What you reading"

"A book. Summer bird blue actually"

"What's it about"

"You'll have to read to find out, Wong you" I say with a smirk plastered across my face"

"Who's Abigail"


"It says on your book "from Abigail"

"Oh....that's my sister"

"I didn't know you had a sister"

"That's because she died last year"

"Really....what happened"

" she wasn't well. She was put into a coma. Her life support was turned off after 6 months"

"Im so sorry.."

"Don't be. She lived a good life. Dad loved her. I just wish she was here now. She would in her first year"

It took Willow a wile go realise she had started crying. I mean she never cried. Unless it came to her family. She also hadn't realised that Sirius had wiped the tears from her face.

"Don't cry"

"I'm not. My eyes are just leaking" I said with a smirk on my face

Sirius has a sympathetic smile on his face.

"Well the  boys, ruby and charli, and two very special people are waiting in the great hall"


"I think it had something to do with your summer activities"

Oh no. I didn't want anyone to find out about that. I wanted to keep my summer activities private.

"Just come on" said Sirius dragging me to the great hall. God he has a strong grip"

"Willow" I turn around to see....Charlotte and Chelsea. What are they doing here.

"Chelsea, Charlotte" I say while running to them. I engulf then in the biggest hug ever

"What are you doing here" I say

"Professor McGonagall came today, and said that we were witches. How amazing is that. We can go to school with you" said Charlotte

"Yeah" I say

"With the greetings all over. Mrs Gill will be expecting you back soon, we best be going" said Professor McGonagall

"By Willow" said Chelsea. While in a huge hug.

"By girls, I'll see you over summer" I say . I watch them walk out of the great hall. Words can't express How happy I am for them.

"How do you know them" said Remus

"They go to the orphanage that I spend some time at over the summer"

"What...I didn't know you did that"

"Of course you didn't I've only been friends with you for about a month"

"What else do you do"

"You'll have to wait and see"I say

"Why so mysterious"

I just smirk at them and walk away.

There's only 3 weeks until Christmas holidays. James is going to go home, and so is peter. But, everyone else is going to stay here. 

This might just be the best Christmas I've ever had

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