Todays the Day

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the first few days of the holidays were thankfully trouble-free. willow would spend most of her time planning out her days. most days followed a specific schedual

5:00: work at the diner

7:00: visit the kids at the orphanage

8:00: working at the shelter

9:00: Netball

10:00: working at the cafe

11:30: school

5:00: bakery

7:00: skateboarding

7:45: Gymnastic

10:00: summer work/ school

1:00: bed

yes willow knew she was pushed for time. but she needed to make everything work. she loved all of the things she did. she was A level for netball, and level 2 (The second-highest level for gymnastics), and did her skateboarding practice at the local park almost every night. her weekends were less busy however still Made willow drained

5:00: diner work

7:00: visit the children

8:00: shelter work

9:00: netball games

11:00 cafe

1:00: library to finish work for school and study

4:00 bakery

6:00: skateboarding

6:30: elite gymnastics meet

11:00: an apprenticeship at the ministry

2:00: bed

people would think that willow would be tired but after the first 2 years, she had learned to adjust. besides, she only needed 2 hours of sleep to function. every week willow would make roughly $800. yes that was a lot but she worked her arse off for it. the problem has she hardly ever spent it on herself. her father didn't have a job and the money he did have he spent it on alcohol. because she didn't have nearly enough money to pay the power bill that was shut off almost a year ago. but she learned to adapt.

she would charge her mobile phone at the library, and laptop. and would buy hot meals from the shop every night, which was about 200 dollars a week. she also had to pay for her school lunches and any supplies she needed. this comming Saturday was going to be a huge problem for willow.

she had her awards ceremony for school at 8:00 am which ended at 10:00. her skateboarding competition would start at 11:00 but she needed to be registered at 10:30. and then she had to head straight to her gymnastic competition. she had talked to her netball team and she wouldn't have to play this weekend but she would need to work extra hard at training the following week.

she knew her friends would be meeting her down at the skateboarding competition. but they didn't know she had her awards ceremony first. Willow had her work cut out for her if she wanted to pull this off.


Saturday came very fast for willow. With her busy schedule time passed in a blur.

Willow pulled up her hair in a pony tale tied with her school ribbon. Put on her school uniform, and blazer and tied her tie. She packed her backpack with her gymnastic leotard and tracksuit along with hairspray pins and more ribbons. She also packed her leggings, knee pads, helmet, mouth guard, and shirt. She would be competing in the 15 years age division due to rules and regulations, so she needed to be prepared.

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