It's okay

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willow was running late. After receiving her timetable she realised that she hadn't brought the appropriate books, so told ruby and charli to go ahead without her. She knew she would be a little late but she asked the girls to tell the teacher where she was. Luckily it was only professor Slughorn and he quite liked willow. After rushing to the common room to retrieve her rather heavy text book she raced down the stairs and passed the hall. She would have continued walking if it hadn't been for a faint sob. Willow then stopped dead in her tracks. She new what it felt like to be crying while you were supposed to be in class. She wasn't going to let anyone else feel like this. Even if the matter wasn't the same as her own, she wasn't going to let a single person shead a tear.

She Walked down the empty corridor towards a classroom located towards the end. She silently opened the door and couldn't see anything, she was about to leave and look in the opposite room when she noticed to a small ball sitting against a desk. Her yellow Hufflepuff robes shining from the sunlight. She carefully made her way over to the small frame near the desk.

"Are you okay" asked willow trying not to startle the poor child. Alas that didn't work and she made the poor child jump

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to alarm you" replied willow again

"It's okay" replied the small child

"Do you need any help" said willow "you seem upset" she said while taking a seat next to her
"Oh no it's okay" said the small Hufflepuff

"Look, I'm not going to pester you but it's best to talk about what's going on. I'm not going to tell anyone" said willow

"I'm just not having the best of times here at the moment. I tripped coming down the stairs this morning, and some Slytherins saw me and now they won't stop making it into a big deal. And i got my timetable and my friends went off without me so I don't know what or where my class is. And my parchment has fallen all over the floor" said the small first year whilst crying once again

"Hey.. don't cry. There's no need. We can sort everything out" said willow while she put a comforting hand over the girls back to the shoulder

" Never worry about what a Slytherins says. Some of them like to make you feel bad about yourself because they find amusement in other peoples pain. If they treat you that way than they are just jealous, so you don't need to even care what they say. Care about what I say and I say your an amazing little girl who will go places in the future" said willow

The small child now had a small smile on her face

"Now for your parchment. I have some spares in my backpack if you need them that way you can have some, and not have to go back to the common room during periods" said willow once again

"Thank you" said the girl

"It's no trouble really"

"Would you happen to know where transfiguration is" said the girl

"Yes I do. I'll show you if you like"

"Thank you I really appreciate it"

"It's my pleasure, now wipe those tears away. Let's go show everyone that you are amazing and you are the best Hufflepuff out there" said willow with a slight smirk causing the first year to giggle

"I'm Addison by the way"

"I'm willow. Come on up you get. Let's get you to transfiguration"

willow led Addison to the classroom and told her once again to not worry about what other people though because if she was happy with herself than that was the only thing that mattered.

willow knocked on the door and was greeted with the reply of the reply of professor McGonagall

"good morning professor, I believe your missing a badger" said willow

"Thank you mrs Jones. Mrs park please take a seat next to Mrs blades and I'll catch you up in just a moment" instructed the professor

willow could see a flash of worry and concern  in her eyes as she was exiting the classroom. Why would a teacher care about her. She shook off the feeling and made her way to the dreaded potions lesson

Hey guys what do you think? I'm writing this at like 10 at night when I'm supposed to be asleep, but I can't sleep so yeah my mind needs something to do.

Anyway comment and vote guys


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