The compass.

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Pocahontas sat on the river bank staring at the flowing steady river. She had lately been having flashbacks in her dreams. She thought the river could calm her down. Its not the dreams that were the problem, its the fact that they were about one guy. Namely:John Smith. She couldn't get him off her mind. She really wanted to,cause she knew it was wrong to John Rolf. Trying to figure out a way,she heard her name."Pocahontas. "She turned to see Nakoma. " What's wrong Nakoma?" Nakoma held out a tiny thing in her hands. Staring more at it,she saw it was John Smith's compass. She was shocked. She grabbed it and asked"where did you get this?" "It was washed up ashore." She replied. Pocahontas looked at it and suddenly it began to spin. It span and span till finally it pointed south. Pocahontas gasped. "What's wrong?" Nakoma asked. "He's back.' Pocahontas whispered,clutching the compass to her chest." Who?" Nakoma asked again. This time Pocahontas looked into her friend's eyes and replied "John."" John?but he's already here." Nakoma was pretty confused. "Not that john ."" then who? "Nakoma asked impatiently. "John Smith." Pocahontas breathed out.

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