Mending a friendship.

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The happy couple returned to the camp,hand in hand,well,Pocahontas in John Smith's hands. Anyways, the village was actually excited. They had all known Pocahontas was still in love with John Smith since she had been acting strange whenever he was around. To Pocahontas's surprise, even her own father knew. He had just been waiting for her to admit it. But the hardest part of announcing their engagement was when they both saw John Rolf's sad face. It stung Pocahontas in the heart to see him broken down. It reminded her of John Smith and how he looked like when she had rejected him back in London. (How the tables turn). It took him a while, but finally John Rolf decided to approach the happy couple. He didn't want to be the cause of their delay to get married. He approached Pocahontas and taking her hand he said"Pocahontas, i'm sorry. Sorry for forcing you into something you weren't comfortable with. Sorry for not seeing how much you loved John Smith and how much you still love him now. Sorry for delaying your wedding by acting stubborn. Sorry for making you feel guilty. Please Pocahontas, will you forgive me?" Pocahontas looked at me in the eyes and saw how sincere my apology was. She gave me a hug and mumbled "of course." I hugged her back. It was good to get that of my chest. Once we pulled away,I tried shaking John Smith's hand. He instead pulled me into a hug of his own. We shared a brotherly hug. "I'll forgive you Rolf, but only on one condition. " I gulped but replied "of course. Anything." "You'll be my best man. Can you handle that?" I stood like a soldier and replied "Yes sir." John chuckled at my motion. "Very well then. Come along Rolf, we have suits to plan." John Smith said pulling along John Rolf. Pocahontas just stood there and as the wind twirled around her, she knew that was to be the start of a new friendship. Then she ran off to find her friend Nakoma to help her out with her wedding dress.

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