The wedding preps.(girls)

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Two days later.
  The wedding prep day had finally arrived. Pocahontas was beyond excited. Even more than the time she found out John Smith was coming back. She was finally living her dream if getting married to her one true love. Joanna and Nakoma had decided to be her maids of honour. (They couldn't decide). Pocahontas recalled how Joanna had laughed at her for thinking she was John Smith's girlfriend while she was only his sister. 'Did you not see the hair resemblance?' Joanna had asked. In that time, Joanna realised how much Pocahontas loved John Smith. So for Pocahontas to marry her brother, she had decided she had to be Pocahontas's maid of honour. Pocahontas had no problem but how Nakoma would react worried her. To her surprise, she was OK with it."as long as we're both the maids of honour,i'm OK."And so the wedding preparation began. Adoette,Pocahontas's aunt, had offered to make her a wedding dress. It would be a silky white dress made from silkworms. Grandmother Willow helped too. She added glowing particles on her dress. To say Pocahontas didn't look absolutely gorgeous in it was a lie. ' John Smith's in for a real surprise.' Joanna had said. And truly,he was.

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